I call spam on this.......it a 98 min long promotional video for a book.....but have only watched a few minutes.
Kate xx
this is as close as it gets to the other side....
I call spam on this.......it a 98 min long promotional video for a book.....but have only watched a few minutes.
Kate xx
i think the time to be agnostic is when you have evidence on both sides of a claim.
for example, i'm agnostic about the existence of a historical jesus.
i think a reasonable case can be made that jesus was a man who was turned into a legend over a period of a couple of decades.
There is nothing really new here. I respect the idea of atheism and also being agnostic. I also respect the belief of theism and deism.
I understand why people have certain beliefs and ideas and I can tolerate these ideas and beliefs.
Cofty has said my reasons for a belief in a Creator are bucket chemistry. Dismissing my argument like this does not convince me I am wrong. No one has been able to help me see why my argument is flawed with scientific evidence. So with the scientific evidence I do have and then apply Ocams Razor....for me it's more probable there is an intellectual being responsible for guiding evolution in the early stages of amino acid formation.
Kate xx
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
Must really be something for him to go outside the congregation, I'm surprised-08out,
Well not really. Once you're out you know that Jehovah doesn't help and there is not such thing as holy spirit. This type of elder is the type who spouts out the company line but knows when to get practical solutions too.
He even lied about telling us not to go to the police and I have caught him out on a few other lies too. So if he really thought Jehovah was guiding him with holy spirit he wouldn't lie to save his skin. He is one of these elders that will obey as long as it suits him.
Kate xx
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
I do also find it ironic that this man who gave us advice and counsel and has power over more than 100 JWs is reduced to coming to little old me to deal with his overwhelming problems that his fellow JWs can't help him with or Jehovah can't either.
Kate xx
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
Thank you so much
Happy Happy Joy Joy.....I am enjoying my day very much and looking forward to having more fun
Kate xx
they must really be having issues finding brothers to slave for the org..
They have always been saying they want brothers to reach out, but what they really want is young men in their early 20's to be managers and tow the company line. Any JW with care and compassion and a sense of justice will never make the grade if they are 35 plus.
I know loads of JWs who were never made elders when they were reaching out, and it's because they were too outspoken and opinionated.
Kate xx
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
Thanks Listener,
hahah but if I hadn't have offered, they would be seeing me on the appointment date and cancelled or rearranged another appt. So it would have inconvenienced me as I am rubbing my hands and smiling in anticipation to see why they are suffering.
There is no way they would be coming to us if they weren't suffering with an issue. Hehehehe
Kate xx
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
Yes I had to offer another advisor, his wife has hated me for years and would no way want me to know what their problems are, but who cares I am nosey and have access to the files so I can bask in feeling good about their Karma lol
Kate xx
Thanks for the cheer leading lol xx
okay i'm so excited, i'm celebrating valentines day today!
i walk into work this morning (normally a sterile office filled with boring engineers like myself) to find everyone clad in decorative hearts with streamers hanging from the ceiling and heart shaped goodies in the kitchen.
had i walked in on this last year, i would've kept my head low and tried to avoid all conversation unless it was strictly about work.
Good for you Steph, enjoy as much as you can. Here in the UK we had pancake day Tuesday this week and I flipped pancakes with a friend. It was just a bit of fun and great.
Go for it
Kate xx
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
Fink, yes we deal with all those issues you mention and bereavement, wills probate and much more right up to consumer and landlord issues.
Kate xx