This is a great thread Simon. This is exactly why I am here today. To support JWs.
I was treated with kindness and care by cantleave and nugget off the board as well as on the board. And your site provided a connection.
A great reminder
Kate xx
just a reminder:.
please do not use this site to pursue, conduct or incite harassment of any individual jws who are not officers or directors of the organization.. if someone is guilty of some specific crime then it should be reported to the authorities but someone simply following their religious beliefs and taking part in their chosen religion should be free to do so without personal attacks..
This is a great thread Simon. This is exactly why I am here today. To support JWs.
I was treated with kindness and care by cantleave and nugget off the board as well as on the board. And your site provided a connection.
A great reminder
Kate xx
I don't respect Jihadi extremists as people. I don't respect people who chose to be violent full stop. I don't respect people who are prejudice and insight hatred.
I don't separate people and beliefs when their beliefs are so extreme the person does not deserve my respect.
Azor, I agree with Simon about your threads lol
Kate xx
i think people need religion because of fear.
fear of death and what will happen at death if they have been good or bad.
people say it gives them hope but is this not born too out of fear of not seeing dead loved ones again, or having a better life in the afterlife?
I think people have religion in their lives because of how they were brought up in general. But there are a plethora of reasons why each individual would chose to be religious, be part of a religious group, have a belief in a religious book, and believe in a God or Gods.
It's just like why we woke up from a cult. We all woke up for different reasons, some of us have the same reasons, but different things led us to the light bulb moment.
Kate xx
Being a respectful person is what I strive to be. That doesn't mean I will always agree. I am the first to declare if I disagree, but that doesn't mean I don't respect the other person's beliefs, idea's or opinions.
In some cases, I may use satire, sarcasm, or jokes poking fun at a particular idea or belief, JWs included, but only generally. I wouldn't say it to in individual JW.
My bible students always respected my beliefs, and had a study. When I told two of them it was a cult. They said they knew already, but they wanted to be friends and respected why I had strong beliefs. Because I was treated this way, I feel all JWs deserve this too.
But respect is subjective and some people may view my actions as disrespectful. Which is fair enough and I would respect their opinion.
Kate xx
well, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
Sorry you have been outed. It's best to exit our own way instead of being forced out.
I planned my exit. I was already df'd. But attending all the meetings trying to get reinstated. When I realised it was all nonsense, I wrote a letter and had my last JC. I recorded it and expressed how unjust it all was. It was very cathartic for me.
If you want to listen to my JC pm me.
Kate xx
lately i've been feeling just so fed up with this stupid religion i really can't take it anymore!
i'm starting to think that maybe i should just tell my parents how i really feel.
if they treat me too badly or kick me out i could probably stay with my non jw aunt.. ive just reached my breaking point, i don't really care what people think of me anymore.
BW, I am so sorry you had a big blow out with your parents. They sound very strict and determined. They are not listening to you at all, and it's down right not fair and unreasonable.
I agree with everyone that you need to have a conversation with your aunt. Develop a trusting relationship with her, and see how she responds.
Keep us informed
Kate xx
noone and nothing can really prepare you for the burning pain you feel when your spouse leaves you after 8 years of marriage.
from one day to another, all your dreams, hopes and plans are shattered.. i still have so many questions which will remain unanswered in eternity.. the thread i made a few weeks ago, is part of this story.
after learning about ttatt my plans involved to wake up my wife as well and exit the truth.
I am so sorry about this. It's so painful to be rejected by the one you love. Healing takes time and for some it takes longer than others. I am divorced and it took four years for me to start dating again.
Dating new people is fun, I even had a relationship for 6 months with someone. Meeting new people can help towards the healing when you're ready.
Take care
Kate xx
it is a stretch to call my dodgy poetry 'entertainment' but i wasn't sure where else to put it.. .
self-fulfilling prophecy.
Thanks Gargamel, Compound Complex will like this and Nancy Drew if she is still here.
Kate xx
i wanted to write my experience on how my husband helped me see the ttatt (the truth about the truth).
first, let me mention that he wrote his own experience a couple months ago under the name sanchy.
for his story please click hereā¦..
Thanks corruptgirl for telling us your happy ending. Everyone loves a happy ending. I used some of the techniques Sanchy used with you, with my kids. They are awake to TTATT too and it's great for them.
I think all your points about how Sanchy approached you were excellent and would work with many loved ones.
All the best
Kate xx
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
Lol, Glad you've got a sense of humour WMF
Kate xx