Hahaha money saving for child abuse lawsuits and property investments. WT a charity.....is it heck!!!!
Kate xx
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: survey on use of printed publications .
dear brothers: .
the branch office is working on arrangements for the 2015 regional conventions.
Hahaha money saving for child abuse lawsuits and property investments. WT a charity.....is it heck!!!!
Kate xx
wanted to send this to my "active" sister in hopes of awakening her, comments welcome.
she thinks i am a heathen apostate.... losing my religion.
It's nice that you have got your thoughts on paper, as a fellow xJW I can understand your position and can empathise with how you feel.
But if this is to reach your active JW fleshly sister it's not really going to wake her up to WT indoctrination. You are tearing apart the Bible in effect. You really need to understand what she doubts from WT or what she struggles with and then go from there.
There are many policies of WT that have woken JWs due to having personal experience. For example I was DF'd for exposing domestic violence. My kids witnessed this and experienced the mishandling of domestic violence within WT. They were faced with a DF'd mother and a violent father who was in good standing.
The DFing policy was the way in to teach them TTATT, and wake them up. They are both mentally awake and safe from WT clutches.
Kate xx
has anyone had success in using this article to convince their family member or spouse that critical research of what the society presents is important to build faith?.
this article has this passage that jumped out at me:.
of course, not all doubt is bad.
How many non-jws realize that when the WTS uses "Christian(s)" that the WTS only means jws? Since we have non-jws who read this may not get the point right away or see the pattern. - Blondie
Exactly! Really good point, it called loaded language, and it's part of information control, which is part of the BITE model. (behaviour,information, thought, emotion). Four ways the cult controls it's members.
Kate xx
i keep reading that jehovah's witnesses are in effect monsters.
i keep reading that they kinda leave chaos and distrust in their wake.
so i simply wondered if anyone had anything nice to say about them?.
Welcome Undercover witness,
I have just read through your posting history. I doubt you're SFPW, but I do know a little bit more about you and your beliefs. You seem very nice from all the posts I have read and seem clued up on what JWs believe and how closely related their experience is to LDS.
When you have time I would love to know what was the final straw for you and your wife, and how did you exit LDS?
Thanks for the fun though lol xx
Kate xx
i keep reading that jehovah's witnesses are in effect monsters.
i keep reading that they kinda leave chaos and distrust in their wake.
so i simply wondered if anyone had anything nice to say about them?.
Hello undercover witness,
How are you today? I think I know you by a different name and you sent me a wonderful PM when I was struggling.
Are you SFPW?
If you're not I would like you to know that I am enjoying this thread, a lot of posters have risen to the bait lol. Thanks for the entertainment.
Kate xx
i keep reading that jehovah's witnesses are in effect monsters.
i keep reading that they kinda leave chaos and distrust in their wake.
so i simply wondered if anyone had anything nice to say about them?.
I think for the most part JWs are nice people. Some are power driven and not so nice, driven by the WT.
You seem to have got a lot of information about their beliefs from WT publications, but it's clear you haven't done any independent research.
I think this is a satirical post. No one is that confident with such little knowledge to be so bold. Plus you haven't posted again.
I personally don't think you're for real.
Kate xx
has anyone had success in using this article to convince their family member or spouse that critical research of what the society presents is important to build faith?.
this article has this passage that jumped out at me:.
of course, not all doubt is bad.
This is the problem with a cult. There are levels of information control they employ in the WT. Some information is for the public, some for rank and file and some for elders and so on.
This is rank and file information. WT want all JWs to think that critical thinking is a must and that they all do it, but the elders condemn anyone who criticises the WT or GB. So all JWs know you can have critical thinking as long as you agree with the WT and GB always as they are always right.
This doesn't sit well with many and they develop cognitive dissonance, they wake up and leave WT eventually.
I have woken up family members. Our family experience was awful and waking them up to TTATT was easy as they new the wrong that we were experiencing.
Kate xx
this video may have been posted here before but it is new to me.
the lingo seems very very famillar with the bullying that the elders give us all.
they want their pound of flesh...but call it loving and theocratic.
this is an excellent read and i thoroughly enjoyed reading brenda's experience, so much of which i could relate to.
if you'd like to read it too, please check out my ebay listing.
I have heard of this one. There are so many good books out there that can help us heal if we have been through the same experience. It makes us feel less alone.
I have not really come across anything for me though. I suffered DV and was DF'd for exposing it. I know many other cases of DV this has happened too but not come across a book written about the mishandling of DV in WT.
Kate xx
out of the blue my wife started to ask me about my feeling about the borg.
i told her i didn't want to talk about it...she persisted.
she already knows how i feel, i told her that my biggest beef is that they use mind control, and yep she went in to how i was an apostate and how she doesn't want to be married to an apostate.
Very sad indeed. You know what's in her heart and she knows what's in yours. The trouble is there is no middle ground at the moment. So very sad. I am really sorry. I wish there was some advice I could give you to save your marriage, but you're wife is seriously stuck in cult mode and out to expose you it seems.
Kate xx