Carbon dating is a widely recognised technique and trustworthy. This thread is nonsense.
Kate xx
so now that most of us have come to a semi truthful understanding that the witnesses are wrong about evolutionist, there is a certain question that i have always had.
now if you were to ask any jw, they'd recite a complete fallacy from scientist regarding this.
but what is you guys input of this.
Carbon dating is a widely recognised technique and trustworthy. This thread is nonsense.
Kate xx
... but it's been submitted.
just be patient.
all you will do is create duplicate posts which will delay yours appearing even longer due to how the posting limits work.. sometimes i need to run some jobs which slow the site down.
Yes I would say posts are fine Simon.
Kate xx
hello guys, i've been an off and on reader of the various discussion threads here.
i'm sankara (obviously not my real name), a third generation born-in, currently an m.s, and yeah, writing from nigeria.
discovered ttatt a couple of years back while i was in college.
Welcome sankara,
Your situation seems very difficult you seem like you have only two options
1. Live a lie to preserve family bonds
2. Move away and hope some family bonds remain
Its very sad that WT puts JWs in this position. It must be really stressful for you. I wish you all the best and I hope you get a happy life that you deserve.
Take care
Kate xx
long time lurker here.
i'm a fifth gen born-in baptized jw.
to say i've been struggling with doubts is an understatement.
Welcome Heartsafire,
It's understandable that you want to wake up your husband. Many on here woke up their spouses. But also many did not and left and are still happily married.
Your aim should be your health and your own exit. If your husband has any doubts at all he will follow. If he is happy as a JW he won't. Just show him he is a priority. Show him how much you care for him and love him.
Take care
Kate xx
yesterday i finally confronted my mom with my research about the wtbts being registered with the un as a ngo for ten years.she didn't get angry at all but she says she doesn't want to doubt the organization, i asked her if she realizes that if this is true what it means and she replied by saying she believes she has found the truth and that satan wants me to turn away from the organization.she also said that apostates make these very clever looking articles to lure us away.i told her that i avoided all apostate websites(which i did) and went straight to the un which confirmed it.i asked her to do her own research on the matter but she refuses to saying she is not going to live her life having doubts about the borg.
i don't think i can wake her up ,especially if she doesn't even want to think that the organization is not "god's earthly organization".. i was thinking that now that she knows about my doubts i can disassociate myself but as i only turned 18 this week and have nowhere to go if she kicks me out the house(my entire family are j-dubs) i don't know what to do to move forward from this point .do any of you have any advice for me ?
thanks in advance..
Are you working or at university?
Can you afford to move out and be self sufficient?
If not then stay home until you are in stable employment. Keep you're doubts to the site here.
Moving out is a big step you need to prepare for it.
Take care
Kate xx
been reading for about 2 and a half years, thought i would take the plunge and sign up.. my circumstances... i live in uk, serving as ms. i am fully awake.
i can not leave due to family, so just treating the meetings as a bit of a social club.
i would like to give out more details, but i think you all know the drill.. complete disillusionment and i suppose natural curiosity woke me up.. don't know what else to say right now, just hello, and i hope to get to know some of you guys better.
Old Major,
Well done for thinking for yourself about what information you can read. It's interesting that because you were told not to read here you did.
Glad we helped you wake up
Kate xx
well i just got off the phone with mother (thankfully she has no part in the shunning policy) and she thinks the changes are "marverless" this i would imagine is the general consensus of most hardcore rank and file!
she is even investing in a roku device so she can watch more indoctrination programming.
to be honest i wouldn't even try make her think, because she has far to much invested in the cult.
Many are happy zealous and don't experience any injustice. Why rock the boat.
It's the depressed and angry JWs that are suffering that will feel liberated by TTATT.
Kate xx
what is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
I know I was just being facetious lol
Kate xx
what is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
Agreeing to abide by the rules of a sport and regulating your lifestyle to maximise your physical fitness is not cultish. - Cofty
The premier league in the UK is most definitely a cult.The supporters are affected by the BITE model.
Football fans cannot think for themselves, pick their own clothes, and all behave in a frenzy if the ball is close to the goal. They are controlled.
Kate xx
because she would not show him her puppies.. nobody has to tell you what country this happened in, you already know.. source.
I don't know what the solution is. But I feel licensed gun owners are irresponsible is some cases and should be fined or charged and held accountable if their gun is not locked in a safe place when not in use.
But lots of gun crime occurs when it's the case of an illegal weapon too.
Is a gun ban really practical and how will it be policed and enforced?
Very disturbing news
Kate xx