JoinedPosts by KateWild
Jehovah's Witnesses described accurately by Obi Wan
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji92ofakh20.
Lol xx -
Hi noobie here.
by Grags inhi my name is graham (but i much prefer to be called grags), i'm a 38 year old married man from the uk and have been studying with the witnesses for about 3 months.
i do a study every saturday and love every minute.
in john 6: 16-24 jesus's disciples get onto a boat without jesus and set off.
Grags, welcome and thanks for coming. If you enjoy your study with JWs, that's really nice. There are a lot of loving kind JWs to meet. I was one.
But as far as having the only one truth about the bible that's a different matter. Watchtower is a cult and it has harmed my family.
If you want to know my story let me know and I will post my YouTube for you
Take care Grags
Kate xx
by Pioneerbot inwanted to say hi.
i've been lurking for a long time.
i also spend time on other forums.
Welcome Pioneerbot, it's great you woke your kids. Howe old are they? I woke mine up too. It's great you sowed them The Australian Royal Commission hearings. Excellent move.
Thanks for the added info.
Kate xx
Long Story of my Life/Experience
by GrownMidget inalso, my wife has come to her limits of understanding me about the witnesses related grief i have been having.
she has told me many times to stop reading the ex-witness sites because i get depressed and become angry, which sadly is true.
it's not very productive to be sad throughout the entire day and then shout at your wife for the reason she has no first hand experience about, therefore how could she possibly know and help?
Despite if I read or not, I still get outbursts of sadness that later turn into anger. I feel the stress is so much that it's negatively affecting my life and marriage.- GrownMidget
Welcome GrownMidget, thank you for this insightful thread. I am sorry you are still suffering outbursts. I hope you get support and your marriage can be a happy calm relationship with that support.
Mental illness is an awful thing to suffer and has stigma to it. It can be hard to live with, but you are a fine example of someone who has tried to stay positive and is looking for support and a way to deal with your outbursts.
Take very good care GrownMidget
Kate xx
Is it true? Heard a rumor WT postphones Disfellowshipping until further notice!!??
by Olivia Wilde ini am not sure if it's true but i heard from a good source that wt has given instructions to elders to postponed disfellowshipping members from wrong doing/gross sin until further instructions given by headquarters.
i heard some jws were just reproved either privately or publically.
has anyone else heard anything like this recently?
No I have heard nothing. Is your source from Bethel or an elder? Seems a bit far fetched to me
Kate xx
Good video thanks
Kate xx
Refused to go to meeting wife broke frying pan on my car....now SHE is inactive 4 years my advice!!!
by Witness 007 inmy wife is a stubborn stubborn woman.
when we got the internet in 1998 i slowly faded due to trying to prove apostates are lairs and scum...only to find they told nothing but "the truth.
" every qoute was checked and re-checked.
Funny story, thanks for sharing. Glad you both left, it's much more pleasant with a caring spouse I expect. Kate xx -
Missing Friends.
by Resi init's been a long time since i posted.
for a brief recap, i have an aunt who is one of jehovah's witnesses.
when i was really sick, i sought out their group because i remembered the support my aunt had and how they were like a second family to her.
Move on with your life.-Toes up
You have no idea how rubbish this advice is. Moving on after being in a cult is lonely and a struggle, don't be so naive as to believe moving on is a simple case of getting an education, a career, volunteering, finding hobbies. You don't actually get true friends by doing all of this. It's just a distraction from the isolation. then when you're tired and home alone, you get emotional and feel how awful it is you have no one to share your life with because your acquaintances from your jobs, hobbies etc, have other priorities and are too busy to socialise with you.
People come to this board for advice and support. we need to acknowledge their struggles, not be dismissive about isolation and how stressful it is.
Kate xx
Missing Friends.
by Resi init's been a long time since i posted.
for a brief recap, i have an aunt who is one of jehovah's witnesses.
when i was really sick, i sought out their group because i remembered the support my aunt had and how they were like a second family to her.
It's an awful feeling to connect with people and realise they don't really see you as that much of a priority in their lives. You're right about them being prejudice as you're not baptised.
This cult really causes a lot of damage and isolation. sorry you are missing your friends.
Kate xx
by shattered_origins ini joined the forum yesterday and made 2 angry posts which received encouraging replies.
i spent a good chunk of time today browsing various posts, and i can't get enough!
i'm doing things backwards now and taking a moment to introduce myself.
Welcome shattered
Kate xx