Sounds awful.....sorry to hear how you're affected.
Kate xx
so 550,00 homes in lancaster without power because of flooding in a substation caused by desmond.
including my daughter who is at university there.
no electricity.
Sounds awful.....sorry to hear how you're affected.
Kate xx
my 94 year old jw dad is now in hospital--i visit him every day.. in the opposite corner of the ward were a group of visitors to an oldish chap.
my dub-dar caught words like kingdom hall and watchtower from the rather loud voiced woman i took to be the patients wife.
she also mentioned a dub by name ive known for 40+years--so i guessed they are in the local congregation to my dad.. as i was leaving--the woman said to me--"what a loving --dutiful son i am.
Thanks for telling us your experience. Glad you have contact with your son and can show the JWs what's good in your lives.
Sorry to hear your dad is unwell
Kate xx
just a little disclaimer: english isn't my first language (i'm from france) thus the poor writing is the situation: i'm not a jw.
however, i'm in the process of becoming one.
in fact, i'm studying with the jw's, and i'll proceed to become an unbaptized publisher as soon as i finish the first make a long story short i was introduced to the truth when i was 18een.
I need to gather info from both parties so that i'm able to fully understand what it is all about. - Esmeralda
Excellent plan. Good for you.
Kate xx
so on last saturday, one of my good child hood friends (i consider her like a real sister) who is da posted on facebook that she was going to be having a birthday party for her son.
well another person we grew up with immediately posted a comment about how she should know better then to celebrate bdays and referenced 2 peter 2:20-22 (about being like a dog turning to its own vomit).
i countered with with luke 11:37-49 and didn't hear back.
"going beyond what is written" and forcing all these additional rules on the people they control. - WOB
Ok my mistake. I see your point.
Kate xx
so on last saturday, one of my good child hood friends (i consider her like a real sister) who is da posted on facebook that she was going to be having a birthday party for her son.
well another person we grew up with immediately posted a comment about how she should know better then to celebrate bdays and referenced 2 peter 2:20-22 (about being like a dog turning to its own vomit).
i countered with with luke 11:37-49 and didn't hear back.
I countered with with Luke 11:37-49 and didn't hear back.- WOB
I can see your perspective here. I looked up the scriptures. I can see why you are calling the FB poster a Pharasee, but I would have gone with a different approach. You may have got a response and some dialogue if you had tried to reason with them. Personally I feel name calling is unproductive and it feeds into their persecution complex. If just JWs were doing the name calling they may look at themselves a little closer.
Having said all of this, at least you stood up for your friend the way you thought best.
Kate xx
just a little disclaimer: english isn't my first language (i'm from france) thus the poor writing is the situation: i'm not a jw.
however, i'm in the process of becoming one.
in fact, i'm studying with the jw's, and i'll proceed to become an unbaptized publisher as soon as i finish the first make a long story short i was introduced to the truth when i was 18een.
Welcome to JWN Esmeralda,
You know there is something wrong. You are right. Changing congregation won't fix the problem. Go with your instincts. Keep us informed of your progress.
Kate xx
i hope everyone here is well and staying strong x .
another year, another year with no armageddon.. i have noticed the jw pals and family become more frenzied of late, small things in the news wind them up and make them more hysterical than ever.
the events in paris were horrendous, but to a jw they mean the end is near...........why wasn't it near when chechnya was in the shit?
Hey Snare,
Thanks for checking in. I post less frequently too. I hear that junior doctors are disputing pay and conditions. I hope you all get something reasonable to reflect your educational efforts and debts.
Kate xx
most religions indoctrinate a standard sexual 'morality' into their followers.
sex before marriage is wrong, gay sex is wrong, same sex marriage is wrong, masturbation is wrong.. let's not turn this into another religion bashing thread (too easy), i was wondering how much of that pre-packaged thinking you still hold to?.
i still value marriage, more than ever.
First off I don't think there is any such thing as sexual compatibility. Compatibility in general is a must, and if both people are generous and enjoy giving as well as receiving in all aspect of life sex will be fine. Only if one or both are shallow and have prejudice will sexual compatibility be affected, and you will want to know a sexual partners floors before having any type of sex regardless whether or not it's within marriage.
That being said, I don't think there is anything wrong with pre marital sex as long as both consenting adults know where they stand and what type of relationship they are in. All precautions should be taken to avoid unwanted STI's and unwanted pregnancy.
Just remember consenting to sex is like consenting to drink tea, sometimes if an adult consents to sex they may change their mind or be incapable of sex moments later. So if they can't drink tea, they can't consent to sex.
Kate xx
through this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
Thanks for your thread, and asking for suggestions I have two issues that are close to my heart I would like you to bring up.
1) The mishandling of domestic violence. As with the cases of child abuse JWs are discouraged and even DF'd for exposing DV and telling the police. All JWs should be instructed to go directly to the police.
2) Child baptisms should be prohibited. This is a hard one, but it's very dangerous in WT if children under 18 yrs make the commitment to WT. I am really against this and find it very manipulative.
Umberto, good luck with the RC, I am sorry you had to go through so much as a child but I am encouraged by your bravery and willingness to help in this way.
Thank you
Kate xx
there was a letter sent to elders in australia on 18th november 2015 asking for details of publishers that are solicitors, barristers and accountants.
what would be their motive for these details?
the rest of the letter outlines 8 specific pieces of information to compile and send to bethel's legal department, and reiterates to collect the information only be "as you understand, without consulting the publisher.
It appears they are looking for some "company men" (and women in this case) that will assist without asking too many questions, and are indoctrinated enough not to have their faith shaken by the shocking mistreatment of abused Witness children. - jwfacts
People like this will just be hypocrites. Or they don't exist at all. They are obviously not spiritually strong if they are born ins as they have gone against WT counsel wrt to education. They don't think critically if they were qualified and then were converted to WT, as they didn't look at both sides of the argument.
WT will probably play to their egos. I hope they find a publisher that exposes all the hypocrisy within WT.
Kate xx