Many libraries have Crisis of Conscience - or can secure it through interloan services.-Steve2
I went to four of my local libraries none of them had it and they couldn't order it in
Kate xx
i have known all of them over the last 15 years, talked at length with them, and knew what their wishes were, the copyright holder and spouse spent even more time with them socially and helping them set up their arrangements for when ray and cynthia passed.
i don't believe that anyone else on this board or others was a confidant.
there is no need to prove it to anyone but the copyright office which is satisfied with this.
Many libraries have Crisis of Conscience - or can secure it through interloan services.-Steve2
I went to four of my local libraries none of them had it and they couldn't order it in
Kate xx
blondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
I did not find any other books helpful to me waking up. I found that JWfacts and jwsurvey really helped me and Paul Grundy refers to the GB being led by Holy spirit and that they actually vote by by a 2/3 majority and he quotes a passage from CoC.
This point exposes the GB and that's what we have to do to wake people up properly otherwise they can leave and have some residual beliefs about the GB and holy spirit that are still harmful.
Having an ex member that was on the GB is a great resource. Do any of these other book offer such valuable information?
Kate xx
i talked to my dad today, after i text him when i was angry after a night out.
i'm starting to get closure on my parents relationship with regards to me.the dynamic between them versus me is abusive.
my dad didn't think i had any reason to be bitter.he said i chose to leave "jehovahs people" and this is what i should expect as treatment.
I am so sorry you are being shunned because you're gay. For three years to be alone from 19-22 is so wrong. You should have family support at this age and help making life decisions.
I hope your dad continues to contact you and perhaps he may even change and welcome you properly
Kate xx
i have known all of them over the last 15 years, talked at length with them, and knew what their wishes were, the copyright holder and spouse spent even more time with them socially and helping them set up their arrangements for when ray and cynthia passed.
i don't believe that anyone else on this board or others was a confidant.
there is no need to prove it to anyone but the copyright office which is satisfied with this.
This is what is available on the internet today. Ebay says it's out of print
So what are genuinely doubting JWs going to do?
I read it on the internet in PDF form but I didn't download it or pass it on to anyone. I have a copy now because I think I can help people and That's all I want to do is expose the GB. I will gladly give the CPH £10 for this copy I have. I paid £10 for Steve Hassan's book CCMC and £8.99 for Ben Goldacre's Bad Science (an expose on how the media misinforms people about scientific statistics). I didn't choose to read pirate PDF copies. I bought what was in supply.
My point is there is a demand for COC and it's out of print. People will get it as there is still a supply. When I read it I didn't even realise I was reading a pirate copy it was what was supplied to me. Where there is a demand there will be a supply.
I can understand your point Simon that if no one ever read any pirate copies it would have never gone out of print. That is what I have just grasped from all these threads. So I am happy to pay the CPH for my electronic copy of the PDF.
Kate xx
so said my pops one morning.
we were visiting my sister in eastern tennessee and the night before after everyone else went to bed pops was watching tv when all of a sudden and completely on it's own the tv changed to the tonight show, holy smokes!!
must be demons cause pops didn't change it!
I like that story. I think that many who don't wake up and leave are still scared of demons and believe in the paranormal.
Kate xx
(that is, doubts).
in margaret atwood's "the handmaid's tale", a futuristic story of life inside a repressive, abusive big brother-style society tightly controlled by religious fundamentalists, there's a passage in which the protagonist is alone with another woman at a state-controlled centre where prayers are generated -- then printed out and read out -- by a machine.
the other woman asks, in barely more than a whisper, "do you think god listens to these machines?
Well you obviously told your wife and she agreed, some JWs can't even tell their spouses or family members. It depends on your personal experiences within your cong and if they have also been treated unjustly.
Kate xx
in many debates between believers and non believers (nb), the nb uses evolution as some sort of proof to support the non existence of god.. i agree that evolution is a fact, however i feel that evolution is proof of some sort of benevolent original cause.. if i were to create an a.i.
, i would program into it the ability to self-refactor and evolve.. i would also randomly inject viruses into the program (evil) where the a.i.
would be forced to stretch its current capabilities & modify it's operating functions in order to get through the random virus, and continue living.. with a steady flow of different viruses, the a.i.
The fact that those speaking on evolution tend to also be atheists doesn't mean they are attacking your god when laying out evolution facts. - fmf
Lol this is hilarious, Dawkins is well known as a fundie that attacks God. He wrote a book called "The God Delusion" he is an evolutionary biologist saying that anyone who believes in God is delusional.
FMF you crease me up hahahahhahahaha!!!!!! You're talking utter nonsense
Love you though
Kate xx
sorry but i really feel like i need to rant right now.
recently my dad was made an elder so my family has been doing a lot more "theocratic" activities lately.
every morning i wake up and put on my itchy dress and stupid makeup and heels and then pretend that i love what i'm doing and that everybody is my friend when in reality i feel horrible and all the other teenage girls at my hall hate me for some reason.
Well done for all the positive things you are doing to better yourself. It's so nice to see you are productive and talented. I am sorry you're feeling isolated and that's where your real problem is, hopefully soon you can have some real friends who care about you and enjoy your hobbies.
Kate xx
one of my pop's favorite bible quotes.
as a youngster as soon as i could open the refrigerator, the old man would say "bryan get me a beer", and i was rewarded a drink or two from the can, 50 years later, i am an alcoholic, good news is i realize i am an alcoholic and am working on it.
actually hope to replace the booze with weed, as i can get violent with booze, but just chill with weed.
I wish you all the best with working on your alcoholism, it takes a lot to admit it to yourself. Well done
Kate xx
just signed up and wanted to introduce myself.
i had 1 x-mas and 1 birthday before both my parents joined the jw's around 1966 or 67 being 1 year old i don't remember them (the holidays), to this day holidays are nothing to me (thanks jw's).
i never really believed the bible or jw literature.
Welcome Joe,
Glad you escaped and had a fun life
Kate xx