It's good that you have people to invite to a birthday party. I have celebrated my birthday twice since I left and the kids have too.
It's always been very small and one to invite.
Kate xx
my wife is having her first birthday party in july, and we're looking for a place to hold it.
we found an episcopal church online that offered their fellowship hall for such occasions, and we went to check it out this morning.
when we arrived they were having something in the hall and were setting up for it.
It's good that you have people to invite to a birthday party. I have celebrated my birthday twice since I left and the kids have too.
It's always been very small and one to invite.
Kate xx
there was a time when as a family, we'd host a bbq in our large back garden.
we'd have a small gazebo, tables and chairs.
the reggae music would be pumping out but not too loud.
Fair point Rebel. Being sad is letting them win. We can't have that xx
Kate xx
there was a time when as a family, we'd host a bbq in our large back garden.
we'd have a small gazebo, tables and chairs.
the reggae music would be pumping out but not too loud.
Rebel, being divorced and df' the most isolating way to leave WT. Not many can understand how it feels.
I understand where Punky is coming from and feel for him.
Your positivity is great. But sometimes we have bad days.
Kate xx
i'm a postman with the royal mail and was assigned to train a new starter yesterday.
my line manager introduces me to 'dave', within seconds my jw radar was on maximum!
in his mid to late 30's, politely spoken and with that haircut - i just knew it.. the post he'd applied for was saturdays only, he said he did a lot of volunteer work.
Hey Nic,
That's a lovely experience. I would do exactly the same Myself. Being kind to people who are stuck in a cult is the right thing to do.
Take care and keep us updated.
Kate xx
there was a time when as a family, we'd host a bbq in our large back garden.
we'd have a small gazebo, tables and chairs.
the reggae music would be pumping out but not too loud.
I remember the social events too Punky. I had lots of JWs round for parties and went to a few too.
It was all fake and to get that again is a pipe dream. We were all connected by rigid beliefs and rigid structure. That's what made us freinds.
I totally understand how you feel.
Kate xx
i remember many years back a fellow ministerial servant saying this to me.
he felt that even if jehovah’s witnesses were not the only true religion, the regimented routine of meetings and field service and the strict rules and enforcement provided a beneficial structure for his life.
at the time i thought if this wasn’t “the truth”, i’d have no need for all that “structure”.
Thanks Londo for this thread. I like structure and routine in my life. Since leaving WT I haven't had as much and feel a little lost and insecure.
I often think about going back just for the daily routine and structure.......but then my internal sense of justice kicks in and my integrity.
I can't possibly be a part of something so corrupt and cruel to the vulnerable. Besides I would have to go through reinstatement which is unloving and uncaring.
But I do understand this MS perspective and his need for routine and structure.
Kate xx
yo bitches.. being a good submissive little jdub i lodged a copy of my blood card with my eldubs.
it's in their safe as we speak.
i want to counteract that document without altering the eldubs to this fact.. my doctor has agreed to put a note on the medical system (uk) saying that i've changed my mind on the blood issue, no matter what any legal-paper-waving death merchant wt representatives may sputter at my death bed.
Good idea. Generally the HLC don't really care about the rank and file, especially if their blood card isn't renewed every year.
But good to have a plan in place.
Kate xx
here is my first letter i posted to the governing body.
i also hope that brothers on the writing committee who may be lurking on this site (and have some clout) read my letter and bring in change to this very flawed policy around confession of sins.. enjoy.
the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses.
I deeply understand your frustration about the WT policies....but I also understand the perspectives of the posters who have responded.
Take care.....we are here to help you move on.
Kate xx
just to say a big hello.
i have been reading this site for some time now and have been very unhappy with some of the things emanating from watchtower head quarters in new york.
the final straw for me is the upcoming watchtower study this weekend encouraging us to shun our own family members (our own mothers if need be) if they are disfellowshipped....a step too far for my liking.
Welcome to the site.
Wanting reform and fighting for it is noble. It can also be cathartic for a time.
Please stay on the board if things don't change the way you feel is fair. We all understand what you want.
Best of luck
Kate xx
so for the first time ever i went to a church service at my local church (coe) and i have to say it was awful!
it was just like a ritual.
the vicar would say something and then the congregation would all say a phrase in unison back to him.
Theburstbubble started this thread going on a journey to find something. You have high jacked the thread to preach. Okay other posters are asking you questions but Theburstbubble is not interested in what you have to say.
We know what you believe, let Theburstbubble find out what he / she believes
Kate xx