I draw the same conclusions when I study physical chemistry and particle physics.....but there is still no concrete evidence. But it's enough for me.
Kate xx
(cnsnews.com) -- dr. michio kaku [1], a theoretical physicist [2] at the city college of new york (cuny) and co-founder of string field theory [3], says theoretical particles known as “primitive semi-radius tachyons” are physical evidence that the universe was created by a higher intelligence.. after analyzing the behavior of these sub-atomic particles - which can move faster than the speed of light and have the ability to “unstick” space and matter – using technology created in 2005, kaku concluded [4] that the universe is a “matrix” governed by laws and principles that could only have been designed by an intelligent being.. “i have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence.
believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore,” kaku said, according [5] to an article published in the geophilosophical association of anthropological and cultural studies.. “to me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.”.
“the final solution resolution could be that god is a mathematician,” kaku, author of the future of the mind: the scientific quest to understand, enhance, and empower the mind [6], said in a 2013 big think video [7]posted on youtube.. “the mind of god, we believe, is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace.”.
I draw the same conclusions when I study physical chemistry and particle physics.....but there is still no concrete evidence. But it's enough for me.
Kate xx
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
DD, you make a very good point. Thanks for your post. I really appreciate it. Having a good relationship with my son and having happy memories is my priority.
WMF, I don't know what you're definition of trolling is. But I think it people lying and and deliberately upsetting others. That is not me.
Kate xx
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
Lol Angus.... I have to admit some of the science in "The Greatest Show on Earth" was accurate and easy to comprehend.
But Dawkins is very condescending to believers and I don't want my son to be condescending to people.
I am thinking about it. Okay??
Kate xx
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
He thought that was a good question. I then asked him if the ark settled in the Middle East how did the kangaroos get to Australia and the the penguins to the North Pole?
He said these were good questions. I then said evolution teaches that environment has a lot to do with how species evolve.
Perhaps that's enough for this week. I really did want to find something that supports what he is being taught in school that isn't bias. But it's no big deal really.
Kate xx
i created this thread so that jwr members can list their old jwr username with their username for whatever site they've moved to.
i apologize if this has already been created somewhere else.. jwr = starrynight.
jwd = starrynight9.
This site is widely known as JWN not JWD. I think that was an old name since before I was a member.
Kate xx
because i simply decided the watchtower corporation wasn't the truth(tm) i was da'd in a secret jc that i didn't attend.
i was writing songs with a friend that day instead.. jws wasted no time in labelling me as an evil villain.
the rumours abounded.. i was labelled as 'a false prophet'.
Wow such rumours. They are still talking about you punky. Shows you were well known and respected in my opinion.
I wonder if there are any rumours about me. I doubt it. I could generate them if I went to a meeting in my circuit. But I have some paint that I need to watch dry.
Kate xx
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
I did also ask him about the alternative to evolution. I asked him if you believe that God created all the species that exist today, do you believe they all fitted in the ark which was smaller than the Titanic?
He thought that was a good question. I then asked him if the ark settled in the Middle East how did the kangaroos get to Australia and the the penguins to the North Pole?
He said these were good questions. I then said evolution teaches that environment has a lot to do with how species evolve.
Perhaps that's enough for this week. I really did want to find something that supports what he is being taught in school that isn't bias. But it's no big deal really.
Kate xx
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
Yes thanks we have read that website and he feels that he doesn't know whether or not to believe it.
There are three types of micro biologists, the scientists, religious nuts and the atheists.
Atheists and religious nuts want to look for confirmation bias, scientists evaluate the scientific results and draw scientific conclusions based on the evidence and don't try to confirm whether or not God exists.
Thank you all for your support
Kate xx
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
Well either I have forgotten or didn't learn it. Even though I have the definition I still don't understand the relationship.
This is not school level biology.
This is going off topic too. My abilities are what they are. And as such I want to teach my son evolution is a fact at a level we both understand.
Kate xx
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".