brandnew: you're welcome
I couldn't help myself. The computer made me do it.
this my friends will help in a long struggle that me and my girlfriend are having.........does the toilet paper unravel over or under.
thank you for your cooperation on this timely matter...
brandnew: you're welcome
I couldn't help myself. The computer made me do it.
this my friends will help in a long struggle that me and my girlfriend are having.........does the toilet paper unravel over or under.
thank you for your cooperation on this timely matter...
The Operating Committee having been consulted, and after several fact finding three hour meetings, has determined that paper rolls in the brother's restroom should be over, and rolls in the sister's restroom should be under. However, at the beginning of each service year (September 1) rotation will be swapped in each restroom.
During the meetings held the brothers were unable to determine if quilted Northern or Charmin tissue should be purchased and whether only white should be used with out colors or printing? The Service Committees of all congregations were duly consulted, but no consensus was achieved. Accordingly a letter signed by all members of each Service Committee has been forwarded to Tony "spanx the monkey" Morris for an official ruling. Until such time as a response is received each congregation publisher should bring their own toilet tissue roll to each meeting. To avoid overloading the septic system, publishers are advised to use only one sheet per toilet visit.
Your brothers,
Kingdom Hall Operating Committee
the current jws do not cease to amaze.
here's their latest video on youtube and straight from bethel.. there is a lot of work involved in this. .
Can't find it now. "Joe Bethelite" complained. Yeah right.
Anyone have it recorded? I meant to come back and copy it but forgot.
apologies if this has already been posted but i am speechless..
Let's see how long it takes for Crooklyn to send out a letter advising that this was for the Bethel family only or some such drivel.
I noticed on one of the sites that displayed this video that some people were shocked at the "worldliness". Can you imagine? Oh my a worldly song, and dancing, such a sin. If it was up to Tony 'spank the monkey', everyone would sit at home reading Watchtowers every waking minute. No music, no TV except WT TVLand, no spanx, no colored socks, and no laughing.
i have a good life and i am now worth around 3 million us.
my two children have their university degrees and a promising future.
what should i do with my money?
"i felt like it was "bait and switch", no "loving brotherhood :(?".
interesting question posted on yahoo, the problem is witnesses are not telling the truth.
how many times did you experience people not saying anything after some prolonged illness or separation from the kingdom hall for work reasons?
documents and media releases relating to the shunning and discrimination of a special needs child by jehovahs witnesses in relation to the melbourne international convention, 17-19 october 2014. the following documents and press release were received by jw leaks in relation to the jehovahs witnesses international convention at etihad stadium, melbourne, australia.
it is understood that due to last minute information in relation to the administration and control of the first aid health services at the convention the following press documents had not been released to the media.. prior to publishing and releasing the following sensitive information, the members of the team at jw leaks made formal inquiries with the victorian workcover authority (vwa) and the administrators of etihad stadium (melbourne stadiums limited) as to whether measures have been put in place to prevent the jehovahs witnesses and watchtower bible and tract society of australia from operating any first aid health services and first aid department in alleged breach of applicable health and safety laws.. we were assured that the jehovahs witnesses will no longer have control of the first aid management at the event but that st john ambulance first aid officers will be on site for each of the three days.
it is our understanding that this was done for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of all 70,000 daily patrons and delegates attending the convention.
There was a Kingdom Ministry article some years ago that essentially advised those with chronic issues to stay home from conventions, as there is no one to care for them at these gatherings.
I can't locate the article as it is not on WT Library. Maybe someone recalls the wording.
the 2015 school setup, discussed this week eliminates the last "school talk" by brothers in favour of 'demonstartions" (a la sisters conversations) of family worship sessions and the like.. is this not a shift away from encouraging bright young ones to hone their (under-estimated) speaker skills ---to.
now using more of the die-hard, org-bound, --even elders in indoctrination demonstrations?.
do you see this trend?
The whole training benefit flew out the window when they brought out the new "Benefit" book. There was no real counsel to be given, just platitudes on what they did correct. There was supposed to be private counsel, but with everyone straining to run out the door at the closing amen you know that rarely happened.
I'm not sure how speakers are to be trained today, certainly not in places of higher education. Maybe that's why more and more prerecorded drivel these days.
ldc semininar @ patterson nov 15-18, 2014 .
entire ldc dept included remote workers/design/legal/real estate/purchasing.
New store front like Kingdom Halls? Sounds like a they are ready for a new round of selloffs to buy "more attractive" properties purchased for investment purposes.
Christian Science Reading Room, Church of Scientology copycats?????
bob mackey died in thursday in tampa, florida we're told.
he had been hospitaised for some months.
he was preceded in death by brother weldon and sister velma and her husband long time traveling fellow bruce giffin.. bob was used often by the watchtower for various voiceovers and a number of the recorded bible books.. .
Sorry not the designer Bob Mackie.
Bob Mackey (this is the correct spelling) was a long time dub. His experience describing his swimming accident was in the Awake a number of years ago.