I look forward to reading this tomorrow.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
What Do They Have in Common?: Covington/ Muhammed Ali / Disfellowship policy
by Terry incovington / muhammed ali / disfellowship (what do they have in common?
)“hayden c. covington, one of the most influential figures in the history of first amendment law.
beyond the numerous first amendment cases he argued or co-argued in the supreme court, he also prevailed on behalf of the witnesses in over “100 decisions handed down by various state supreme courts, and .
Get Vaccinated or Get laid Off
by StephaneLaliberte ini’m personally for the vaccine, took two shots and would take a third if asked.
but i know a friend of mine that doesn’t want to take the vaccine who works for the government and now is faced with this choice: get vaccinated or get laid off.
i don’t agree with this measure as it is totalitarian and runs against my core belief in individual freedom.. now, with that being said, what i don’t understand is that my friend still won’t get vaccinated.
I remember getting a smallpox vaccine, them scratching and scratching a circle on my arm. Polio wasn't so bad, a few drops on a sugar cube as I recall. I'm curious what would happen if today this was the smallpox or polio? There were nay sayers then, but would people politicize, antivax, protest yah or nay and get all hot and bothered about one side of the issue or another? Would these dreaded maladies get reduced in threat despite an uproar?
America has always been great. Make America smart again.
Is the door to door preaching work not the primary focus anymore?
by pistolpete ina few months back, one of my uncles who was an elder, asked the co, why jehovah would allow the door to door preaching work, to come to an abrupt end.
this was when my uncle was starting to have serious doubts about the organization.. the co told him to be patient, and hang in there, because the governing body was on top of things and in time would explain what is happening regarding the preaching work.. my uncle asked; “what do you mean?”.
co said; “focus on the wt study articles in the coming months” .
Pete Zahut it was 1973 and a most happifying event was to be kicked off in the fall of the year with the release to the public of a new missive surely to thrill the hearts of all who received it. Of course we are referring to the distribution of Kingdom News No. 16 in which every publisher would likely want share.
As I recall each publisher was give an allotment to distribute. I don't remember much coming of it other than 16 more of the next latest and and greatest tracts being released.
“Well at least he doesn’t make mean tweets”
by minimus ini asked a tennis friend this morning what he thought about what’s going on in afghanistan and he said it was terrible.
he was a military man and identifies as a middle of the road republican.
he supported most of trump’s policies but voted for biden because he couldn’t take trump’s mean tweets.
Minimus: Exactly
“Well at least he doesn’t make mean tweets”
by minimus ini asked a tennis friend this morning what he thought about what’s going on in afghanistan and he said it was terrible.
he was a military man and identifies as a middle of the road republican.
he supported most of trump’s policies but voted for biden because he couldn’t take trump’s mean tweets.
To put on a hawkish hat for a moment, the US never fights to win. The Korean police action, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan to name a few. If you want to get rid of a bug you stomp on it not tease it and make it more angry.
Now if I put my real hat on.... why were we really in any of those countries spending the hard earned money of the people who never wanted to be there to begin with?
And a bit of prognostication: Venezuela is next on the hit list.
What Was Your Most Memorable Field Service Experience?
by Sea Breeze inme: selling the wt and awake for 10 cents at 5 years old.
i don't mean to brag or anything, but i sold 'em like hotcakes.
i musta been a cutie at 5 yo.
Going to breakfast instead. -
Ralph Walls implausible 2021 Convention field service story
by RULES & REGULATIONS inanother implausible field service story told by ralph walls at the 2021 convention.
get ready for this unrealistic, stupid, dull and boring, made up fiction that is presented at this assembly.. some years ago ( tells a story but doesn't know exact date ), a brother ( doesn't give his name ) in mexico ( doesn't name the town) from the rurals, dressed in a very simple garb ( to show he was not showy ) knocked at the door of a palatial mansion.
( a very rich ''worldly'' person must live here ).
I'm sure that Mr. Silken Robe dropped those two tomes in the bin as soon as Mr. Mule walked away.
What’s Wrong With President Biden?
by minimus ini just watched excerpts from his cnn town hall event and something is seriously wrong with him.
he can’t put together a sentence without getting lost, tripping on his own words, forgetting what he is talking about.……this is embarrassing.
and it’s not because he has a stutter!
Could some of his issue be related to his stuttering problem? Sometimes he starts to stutter and stops for a second and then goes on. -
Do the WT lawyers now dictate what the GB now do and say ?
by smiddy3 inafter all that has been happening these past years and changes that have been made on many fronts in the religion ,beliefs ,practices ,policies child abuse ,shunning ,etc, and different countries now taking a closer look at the religion ,i just wonder if the lawyers are now pulling the strings on how the organization functions and operates.. what are your thoughts about this ?.
I think legal has been driving the bus for a long time.