Yes Ulys Glass for Acts. Bob Mackey from Tampa, Florida (now deceased). Forgot the name of the fellow with the British accent, the name Trevor Forbes comes to mind, but not sure.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
I have a question. Does anyone know who is reading the 1984 New World Translation?
by AlwaysBusy inhi and thank you.. do you know who did the reading for the recordings of the new world translation, 1984?
thanks so much.
Another gem from the latest Study WT!
by BoogerMan in"consider the example of oleg and irina, a married couple who serve as pioneers.
after moving to assist a congregation in another area, they lost their source of income because of the worsening economic conditions in their country....... one day when they returned home from the ministry, they learned that a close friend had traveled about 160 kilometers (100 mi) to bring them two bags of groceries.
oleg says: “on that day, we once again experienced the depth of jehovah’s care and that of the congregation.".
Oh yes two bags of groceries would sustain them and pay for their gas used in the dubs work of nothingness.
That two bags of groceries story has been floating around for years in various iterations. Never confirmed.
Jehovah’s Witnesses Open Historic Museum in Edo
by Bangalore injehovah’s witnesses open historic museum in edo ..
I'm certain the general populace from miles around will walk for days though crocodile infested waters just to view a 50 year old Watchtower or a tattered picture of Fred Franz on the platform in 1958 New York.
Was on a fold out panel at the front of the hall so that it could be opened out and discussed.
R & F JW's ARE agents of the org....
by BoogerMan in....despite the cult's denials.. w51 6/15 p. 378 par.
23 the spirit, the organization, and the word - his theocratic organization recognizes your authority from his word, the bible.
so it uses you as one of its representatives in the field and it co-operates with you, supplies your needs, and renders you assistance..
There was something written on this in recent years, I don't remember if it was a letter to the elders or some other tome. I recall that it was telling the dubs that they were not representatives of the Watch Tower or the local congregation but engaged in the preaching work as a function of their own volunteerism.
I recall when reading the info that I thought they are sure afraid of getting sued these days.
Maybe someone will dig up a quote. I looked but didn't find it on first go around.
"Jehovah Will Help You Deal With Life’s Uncertainties" - WT Study Edition | April 2023
by aqwsed12345 ini'm talking about paragraph 15 of this article:.
the title of the study article: "jehovah will help you deal with life’s uncertainties".
accordingly, does it count as an "unexpected difficulty" when it turns out that a prophet's declaration made in the name of god does not come true?
Given the Watchtower stance on miracles, how can they also push this thought that there is any divine intervention in our personal problems today?
Watchtower cashing in on the Hamburg tragedy?
by Listener inthank you very much atlantis for all your hard work and for emailing a letter written by the watchtower (coming from the german branch possibly) to be read out to congregations by elders.. there is so much wrong in this letter.
maybe some of it is due to being lost in translation but since the watchtower is predominantly english, it doesn't seem likely.
the letter is as follows -.
Likely the the next step is to announce that funds can be donated to the World Wide Work. Surely then all can take comfort knowing that the brothers in charge will be prepared to make the best use of donated funds.
Watchtower Museums
by eyeslice innow covid restrictions are over, they're pushing on with watchtower museums at many locations through out the world.. looks to me as if they'll be pretty boring.
a few old bibles and photos of the witnessing work from way back when.. one things for sure is they won't include anything relating to constantly changing doctrines or have libraries full of old publications that have since been swept under the carpet..
Samcats} Another money grubbing angle perhaps.
2022 Service Report is Out
by Bartolomeo inwarning: this post doesn't belong to me, i took it from reddit and posted it here.
+0.4% growth in publishers globally.
GB Update #2023-2 "Evidently the likely cause is surely that the love of the greater number is cooling off."-
Did YOU have 'princes' in YOUR congregation?
by BoogerMan inlol .
w54 5/1 p. 277 par.
17 - some of the “great crowd” are now serving in position of “princes,” .
The book Man’s Salvation Out of World Distress at Hand! alluded to elders being appointed as princes. Page 362
27 As the “new earth,” human society organized under the “new heavens” kingdom, gets under way, there will be need for overseers, superintendents, supervisors of communities and operations. Elders who survive the “great tribulation” and form part of the “new earth” will have gained much experience by their services rendered now in the congregations of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses. The “great tribulation” will not have discharged or dismissed them from the theocratic position of elders and overseers among the members of the congregations that survive with them into God’s righteous New Order. They can carry right on in this capacity, if the will of the heavenly King Jesus Christ is in favor of that.
28 At any rate, the experienced elders and overseers will be available for the Messianic King to appoint as “princes in all the earth,” from the very start of his thousand-year reign onward. What a privilege that will be for them to be the visible princely representatives on earth of the millennial Kingdom!