Hi there. I got your message (my PM function doesn't work, can't reply), and thanks so much, that's perfect. I appreciate your help. Take care. x
JoinedPosts by talesin
Russell and 1881
by Old Goat inschulz and de vienne [ https://www.amazon.com/separate-identity-organizational-readers-1870-1887/dp/1304969401 ] continue to work on volume 2 of their book.
you can see a partial version of a chapter on expectations for 1881 on their blog.
it's rough draft.
WoMD ... so where are they?
by Simon innow, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
David Kay: WMDs That Never Were, A War That Ever Was
In 2004, almost a year after the start of the Iraq War, David Kay resigned his post as the United States' chief weapons inspector in Iraq. Kay said his group had found no evidence that Iraq had stockpiled chemical and biological weapons before the U.S.-led invasion. His findings were at odds with assertions from the Bush administration at the time. Host Liane Hansen talks with Kay about the conflict in Iraq since then.
Happy 240th Anniversary of America's "Brexit" ;)
by breakfast of champions infrom one of the original thirteen colonies (new jersey) wishing happy independence day to everyone in the u.s.!.
have a safe and happy holiday!.
just fine
There are times I get that tear in my eye, too. I feel eternally grateful to be born Canadian - hey, I did nothing to earn it, no pride here - just gratitude. I love my 'Muricans, too.
You're so right .. we are lucky, and I happily kiss the ground and hug the trees of My Canada. ! xx
Happy 240th Anniversary of America's "Brexit" ;)
by breakfast of champions infrom one of the original thirteen colonies (new jersey) wishing happy independence day to everyone in the u.s.!.
have a safe and happy holiday!.
BOC, Happy Fourth!
We celebrated Canada Day last week, and though I'm almost a 'senior', the fireworks still thrill me. I'm spellbound by them, like a little kid. : )
For Americans, I understand it is a *big deal*, and I don't mean that sarcastically. National pride is not that important to people from many other cultures - we just . don't . get it. That being said ...
Have a great Independence Day - I'm sure it has symbolic undertones of your freedom from the Cult, and your right as an American, to be proud of your heritage.
(my emoticons aren't working, but picture the party one! haha... : )
happy birthday.
by zeb injust finished a walk today i came onto a happy family group of all the generations celebrating a tiny ones birthday.
they all sang ..happy birthday and i sang with my bass baritone the chorus, .."why was she born so beautiful why was she born at all.." silly words but they are happy words.
the family cheered their pleasure at this outsider joining in.
Zeb, you're welcome. I took that pic and thought you might like it. Since I was a kid, my dream was to go to Australia. My PM function doesn't work, so I could not reply to your message. Take care, my friend, I will always treasure the support you have given me and many others. Always in my heart, my friend, Zeb. xx
Waking up a loved one....why it can be so difficult.
by Giordano ini recently watched season one of the path........ a dramatic t.v.
show that explores a cult that seems to me to be closer to scientology then the jw construct.. however........ i was struck by actress michelle monaghan's interview about the motivation of the person she portrays.
i think she really gets to the issues we have all faced trying to convince a loved one about our doubts.. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/path-finale-michelle-monaghan-interview-896010.
I've been watching this show, and particularly relating to the son, Hawk, and his struggles with embracing what we knew as 'baptism'. I didn't have a high school love interest, but I was increasingly aware that the 'world' was normal, and the JWS was not. This show really gets to the heart of the matter.
The mother is a complex character - torn between her love of her beautiful and truly loving husband, Eddie, and her "born-in" indoctrination into the Path. She seems to have a keen mind, yet clouded by the cult .. it's a brilliant series, and I look forward to future episodes (very cathartic).
Gio, loved that song! My PM function is not working ATM, and I can't reply, but wanted to let you know... her voice reminds me of Loreena McKinnitt (amazing) ... beautiful, haunting, and thank you so much for sending me the link. xx : )
happy birthday.
by zeb injust finished a walk today i came onto a happy family group of all the generations celebrating a tiny ones birthday.
they all sang ..happy birthday and i sang with my bass baritone the chorus, .."why was she born so beautiful why was she born at all.." silly words but they are happy words.
the family cheered their pleasure at this outsider joining in.
Feeling Sad After Uncovering TTATT
by pale.emperor inmy initial pangs of unease and doubt led me to research some things.
well, a lot of things really.
i've never felt comfortable using the bible to try to calculate dates (1914).
Yes, be happy!
"It's always best to start at the beginning – and all you do is follow the Yellow Brick Road.."
Detroit TV station expose' on JWs
by Emma inhere's a link to a brief but good, four-minute piece on jehovah's witnesses.
wdiv in detroit filmed it.
there's a place for comments so please add helpful info.
Tyrell (sp?) , if you are reading this, you're not alone.
This report was heart-rending. Let's hope that it helped someone in the GDA, and especially Tyrell. x -
Just wondering ....
by talesin inthere are many new posters here, and i'm very interested to learn why you chose your screen names.. .
one book i read, the mists of avalon, was very important to me.
among the main characters was merlin, who in the book, was called "taliesen".