GT - If you note my post, you will know why I feel that way. Too many physicians are ready, scrip pad in hand, to write up the latest drug. I, too, take one necessary drug per day.
About 15 years ago, I had to go through my mother's medicines with my pharmacist - her doctor was a pill pusher (as are many, it's so easy!, and the drug companies send them on those all-expenses-paid vacations, ermm, 'seminars', so they tend to support their benefactors - information told to me by my very own GP).
Another example - my friend's wife died, after a battle with cancer (4 years of hell, too much to go into). About a month after she passed, he said that his doctor gave him a second anti-depressant (stacking meds, gotta like that - NOT), to help enhance the first one, because he was SO SAD - bursting into tears, sleepless nights, etc. I was horrified - he was SUPPOSED to be depressed, and working through the 5 stages. Well, 2 years later, and he is no further along. Still looking for bandaids instead of taking care of business.
Most people need meds in their older age. Like James Brown, I have high cholesterol problems - it's genetic. Exercise has kept my numbers low, but with this foot injury, and aging, I know that eventually, I'll be a candidate for Lipitor or whatever other drug is necessary. Until then, though, I shall keep my cholesterol down by eating the proper foods, exercising, etc.
I think that eating healthy foods, and exercising properly could help a lot of people with fibromyalgia. That is another great example of overmedication. Having had it (severely) since age 4, I've kept up with the pharmaceutical journey, as well as the leaps and bounds in research. Many people with this dis-ease turn to meds ... they are depressed, overweight and wretched. But do they eat white food? Yup. Do they exercise daily? Nope. Their doctors usually have them on "Lyrica" (an anti-seizure med that's been around for decades, and now being used to treat the SYMPTOMS of FM - a drug with dangerous side effects); or they may be taking amitriptylene (sp?) or another addictive anti-depressant.
Let's talk PPIs - also extremely addictive, and being handed out like candy for 'acid reflux disease' (when most of these patients need to lose weight and change their diet, instead of being handed a drug that will ruin their digestive system).
Drugs when I need them. And hey, if I was dealing with bipolarism, I would take my meds religiously. That is one scary disease, and has taken the life of 5 people I knew, including Oompa, one of our most liked board members. xx tal