I saw it more as an analogy for life. The first hand we're dealt, is the JW. The longer we stay in the hand, the smaller our stake gets.
Yeah, I folded that hand, but I still had most of my stake to play with. Life is a gamble, and you have to weigh the odds, then make your choices.
I'm a fairly conservative card player, so I got along in life. I'm not an 'all-in' kinda person, so choices have kept life on a mostly even keel. : )
Edit: Mandrake, I do agree. The JWS use a lot of them, and often they don't really apply or carry through. I haven't thought of that in years. The org always does it in a preachy way, defining each component and outcome with their special twisted logic. I like this analogy because it's been well presented, and interactive -- we can each tailor it to our own choices and experience. x