Addressing many comments from the thread;
i was thinking the same thing- to go to a place where folks Spit on you as it were- and not care if you are reinstated rings HOLLOW
No one spits on me or looks at me funny when I am there, and if anything, various ones will nod with a smile and respect.
And to the author of this thread - I seldom go on the attack, but you pushed my buttons. Maybe that was your intent anyway.
Pushed buttons? I expected such a reaction from many as I am asking blatent questions, in your face type questions, open ended questions... that are veague but depending on the reciever may be interpeted differently, and thus your answers show your true colors... proving for an envigorating discussion.
If someone dissents publicly on a JW doctrine (let's say they give a talk and say that 1914 is not the end of Gentile Times and 144,000 is not a literal number), they will be DFed and you will not be allowed to talk to them based solely on their viewpoint,
If you were to publicly denounce a doctrine without tact, would that be respecting the viewpoint? I think not... and thus not the way to reason with a person or group of people when you put them in the defense to begin with.
I hope you don't leave the board. It's just like any new relationship, you have to get used to us and we have to get used to you.
Understood, and thank you... yet I do not believe that I have to put up with sharp, cutting and malicious comments. People yes will get to know me, that I have honest, forthcomming, reasonable, non-judgmental, and that I demand respect as I respect others. Again, thank you happyout.
You can contribute to the board, but don't expect everyone to agree with you on everything everytime. Won't happen.
In all actuality, I "expect" no one to "agree" with me... I believe this stance would be true for most on this board, as we do not look to have others "agree" with us necessarily, but only wish that someone "understand" us and respect our viewpoint as our own as we do others.
Mr Kim... you just freak me out... maybe its just your style, but man your scarry. Its like your putting a vex on the thread or something... <scared>