In some ways it is fair enough not to go to the doc unless you are obviously ill.
However some diseases, which are curable if caught early, show no symptoms until it is too late.
I now have a three yearly colonoscopy, and an annual check on my prostate. Since my cancer scare, I am only too aware of the risks, and I think I owe it to my loved ones not to leave them in the lurch unnecessarily.
I am not a doctor, but are there any childhood diseases that do not present symptoms until things are really bad?
Obiwan: Is it always a good decision? What about Witless parents in the 1930s who refused vaccinations, only to see their kid die or be maimed from measles or typhoid?
What about those who honestly believe they are helping their child by refusing a blood transfusion? Far more people die or are harmed from this procedure worldwide than from vaccinations... especially in countries where blood donors are paid.