Formerbrother, you seem very confused but I'm here to help. Obviously, his true worshippers wouldn't be worshipping man such as yourself. You belong not to Jehovah but to a group of false sheep with no morals not even towards children. Island Man pointed it out well as the Lord's true sons would be people like myself who don't necessarily have a religion but have acquired deep spirituality without he helpings of another man-made entity. I still attend Church on special days and I know Lord is with me there to.
It might be wonderfully helpful to re-read Exodus chapter four as that can help those revitalize their beliefs. I love that chapter is it shows that God will use whatever it takes to give us happiness as he did to Moses here. And also don't forget to pray religiously because if you don't, you'll never be able to relax he way you were meant to. But most importantly, live everyday to bring out what Christ taught and to make him, the fathers and yourself happy. To many on this forum have let their faith dwindle so easily, which is depressing. It's understandable that this happened but they must try harder to get their faith back which is a lot of work but you must be humble and allow God's power among you.