I never ever said that I wished I could beat you or anything. I said that if you were in any way under my jurisdiction, I would indeed discipline you because I would never have that type of thing under my roof because that's bad and you should know that already but you choose to do it anyway which shows your inner character. I have no idea where you getting this put you in jail stuff. I said that I would punish you if you were in any way related to me. I never said I wished anything so stop putting words in my mouth, but why am I telling you that because you usually put words in people's mouths to try to throw them off the central point. That seems to be what you love doing and I'm hip to that and no I'm not going to say that because that something that I wouldn't even know about. I just thought of it the last time I said it.
And, really? You seriously say that for me to be treated differently, I need to act differently? In other words, stop believing in the true God and start mocking him over and over because he is impotent like you wrongly said. Of course you want me to do that because you believe he is impotent which isn't true but you are so bent on him not helping you that you insist he is impotent which isn't true because if you prayed to him, he wouldn't be so impotent like you claim him to be. But you are so mean and evil towards the Lord and you think he'd help you when you have nothing but contentment and disrespect towards him? Please don't make me laugh, sister. I'll never do that because that is detestable and evil to God but you already know that so I don't know why you keep trying to change me but I guess it's in your game motive. Like I always say, I will pray for you because you need Jesus right now as you have too much hate in your heart and it's good that you know it but you need to try to change.