Thank you once again for another gem blondie.
I'm going to use it tomorrow.
I remember that stuff getting shoved down my throat as a youngster amongst
years of fear regarding ectoplasm.
P.S. Hilarious rickroll we may also safely conclude that angels, god’s spirit messengers, travel at tremendous speeds.
thus once when daniel began to pray, god dispatched an angel to him in answer to his prayer.
this angel, although coming from beyond the realms of outer space, reached daniel before he had concluded his prayer.—dan.
Thank you once again for another gem blondie.
I'm going to use it tomorrow.
I remember that stuff getting shoved down my throat as a youngster amongst
years of fear regarding ectoplasm.
P.S. Hilarious rickroll
is this a bad joke or "fake news"?.
nbc new york is claiming "attorneys are expected on monday to announce the filing of lawsuits in king's county supreme court against eight members of the governing body of the jehovah's witnesses for alleged child sexual abuse claims.".
eventhough i would enjoy to see this happen i am very suspiciouse concerning nbcs reliability with this case..
I deleted my post due to my abusive language against the apologists.
mark o'donnell ( john redwood) has outdone himself in this excellent piece on watchtower's appeal to the supreme court regarding their definition of clergy-penitent rights.. the case they are appealing revolves around gilbert simental, a known abuser who, although eventually removed as an elder, was allowed to remain in a position of respect, with the parents of his victims kept in the dark about the risk he posed to the children with whose care he was entrusted.
anyway it's an excellent piece and well worth reading..
I cannot get the link to stay clickable either.
Just go to jwsurvey site,,, its well written and cuts through legal jargon,, easy to understand.
i thought it would be a good idea to keep a record of australian kingdom halls being sold off.
this is by no means the end of the sell off.. australian kingdom halls
Hi gerry.
In the Melbourne region in Victoria, three halls were earmarked for sale some time ago.
Williamstown, StAlbans and StKilda.
I haven't heard if they have been sold but I do know that a couple of congs meeting in the StAlbans hall are now attending the Sydenham hall and just the Phillipino language group are still attending the StAlbans hall.
If anything is confirmed I will let you know.
Good work gerry
i have never been invited/requested/applied to any international convention, other than it happening to be our own convention in new york city where we were already assigned (i think back and maybe this happened two times or so when i was growing up).. anyway, people here keep commenting about the cost to attend; the inflated airfares, rooms, transportation, etc.. does anyone have some actual numbers to provide?
i realize that the cost of attending a convention in a different country will be affected by some variations in airfare from the departure city but generally how much do these things cost?
are they comparable to a tour from an expedia, travelocity or other travel site?.
Here in Oz this week, a letter was read out that no eftpos facilities would be available at any hired convention venues effective immediately. (Australia wide)
As of 2020 no eftpos facilities would be available at circuit assemblies at assembly halls.
Then a massive 'encouragement' to log in to set up individual direct debit donations to your relevant circuit assembly via the jworg site. "Please see the appointed brother or an elder for help to set this log-in up"
Sounds to me that the individual monitoring of 'tithes' is not too far away as suggested by some on this site a while ago.
apparently a big regional convention in australia has been cancelled.
instead there will be 14 conventions at the local convention hall.. does anyone from downunder have any idea about the reason?.
Ok, the reason I'm told is that the international convention this year in Melbourne did not invite all states to the Melbourne Marvel Stadium.
In 2014 some 70,000 Australia wide witnesses attended. This year they aren't allowed to use the playing field for seating so the capacity will only be about 50,000. They anticipate app 6.000 international delegates.
Those states not invited are having regional conventions with the same program at various assembly halls.
In QLD its at park ridge.
the members have no idea what qualifies someone has to be a member of the governing body.
members know absolutely nothing about new members of the governing body who are appointed.
kenneth cook was the last appointed governing body member in 2018..
The only debate they are capable of is a mass der bate.
apparently a big regional convention in australia has been cancelled.
instead there will be 14 conventions at the local convention hall.. does anyone from downunder have any idea about the reason?.
I did know they were at their assembly hall in Park Ridge. Wasn't aware it was anywhere else originally.
I will ring a friend up there.
the wife and i were expecting a health worker to call at our door 10:30 this morning and about 10;35 two women appeared at our door so i opened up thinking they were who i expected ,so i was take back a bit being caught off guard when they identified themselves as doing a bible work.. this is just the gist of what took place & not a word for word conversation.. a woman about in her fifties her companion about her twenties.the older woman did most of the talking as she read to me the scripture from her phone " in the last days critical times hard to deal with...etc.etc.and she went back and emphasised that we were living in the last days because of what that scripture said.. i made the comment that the scripture just about sums up human history in any given time.then i went on to say that this day and age is the best time in human history overall given the advances in technology ,medical procedures ,the overall standard of living being higher and so on .but they insisted on we were living in the last days.then i said different religions have been claiming that for the past couple hundred years.. then to throw them a curve ball i asked if they were mormons ?
oh no we are jehovah`s witnesses.had i been prepared for them and not caught out unawares i would have taken a different tact.i then asked the older woman how long she has been a witness and she said 36 years so i then said to her you must have seen a lot of changes in your religion during that time which she agreed with.
( the light gets brighter).
Ha Ha,
smiddy3 is of a similar generation of Aussies that I am. Bugger was the go to word before F$$k made the scene.
We would say, 'well I'll be buggered' or "well, he's buggered" 'bugger me dead' and, as it implies it refers to being sodomised till your life ends. However, it has now become "f$$k me dead", Or 'well I'll be f$$$$d' etc.
It's used now as an exclamation of disbelief.
And getting back on topic, if they even sniff you might know of what they are all hiding or refusing to accept they will never return.
I had a similar experience. Ask a pertinent question and they immediately get the 'rabbit in the spotlight' look.
p.s. Bugger em.
the september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
Any wonder the PIMO ratio rises daily.