@ smiddy,,, Channel seven last night gave a good coverage of the protesters and the smart woman guiding proceedings.
hi all.. i didn't want to post this in private because i want all to see what i saw.. the protest at the melbourne convention went superbly in my opinion.
the protesters and their banners were more than eloquent and succinct.
you could feel the emotion they all conveyed.
@ smiddy,,, Channel seven last night gave a good coverage of the protesters and the smart woman guiding proceedings.
hi all.. i didn't want to post this in private because i want all to see what i saw.. the protest at the melbourne convention went superbly in my opinion.
the protesters and their banners were more than eloquent and succinct.
you could feel the emotion they all conveyed.
@ Zilgee.
Mostly Australian but quite a few, 6,000, special delegates from us etc etc.
hi all.. i didn't want to post this in private because i want all to see what i saw.. the protest at the melbourne convention went superbly in my opinion.
the protesters and their banners were more than eloquent and succinct.
you could feel the emotion they all conveyed.
Thank You for posting dozy,,,,,
Being there and experiencing the protest was totally empowering for many of us.
hi all.. i didn't want to post this in private because i want all to see what i saw.. the protest at the melbourne convention went superbly in my opinion.
the protesters and their banners were more than eloquent and succinct.
you could feel the emotion they all conveyed.
Hey alanv
They had attendants at the platform all days. The above described stuff was in addition to the normal security. That's why it was notable
Significant !?
hi all.. i didn't want to post this in private because i want all to see what i saw.. the protest at the melbourne convention went superbly in my opinion.
the protesters and their banners were more than eloquent and succinct.
you could feel the emotion they all conveyed.
Hi All.
I didn't want to post this in private because I want all to see what I saw.
The protest at the Melbourne convention went superbly in my opinion. The protesters and their banners were more than eloquent and succinct. You could feel the emotion they all conveyed. The effect they achieved was evident in many ways.
1. The PIMI'S that i know fully understood the point they were making and the reasons for it.
2. Splane was obviously rattled and in fear of an 'escalation'. He ordered an attendant for every aisle at the stadium to stand and observe the audience for most of the afternoons program to stop any 'protesters walking down the aisles during the program and accessing the field. Looked typically like the security at the end of a footy match to stop supporters swarming the field. Obviously paranoid,,,, you know, persecution complex like.
3. After an hour or so the attendants were given chairs and continued to stare at the audience, even during the final prayer ha ha.
4. He, Splane took a different route, with more 'heavies' off the stage to the bunkers than usual.
5. Earlier, (lunch break) an aggressive elder in charge of attendants tried to wind up the police to get rid of the protesters,
Police advised him of their right to protest and told him to relax......... I heard the lot and even got a pic, I was standing some feet away with my 20k hearing aids turned right up !! By the way, He is known to be a dick head with his head up his own arse...
6. I was even able to utter some words of encouragement to the protesters. "keep up the good work, you're doing a great job". Going to do the same tomorrow. If the protesters keep up the same modus operandi then they will make an favourable impact
7. You should have seen the over reaction of the attendants as the delegates were leaving,,, outnumbered the protesters and the police were having a bit of a laugh. I spoke to the cops and they stated to me.."no need for the knee jerk reaction it will only aggravate the situation". Then I left with my pimo and pimi friends and had most enlightening discussions on the train trip home....
People are waking up in varying degrees.
Oh, by the way splanes talk about children,,, the last one of the day upset quite a few believers where I was sitting.
Attendance at the moment has been around 44,000. no baptism figures but I'm guessing 1%,,, see what transpires. Keep you all posted for what it's worth.
P.S. My evaluation of the protest is based on the fact that I have been involved over the years with some of the most radical protests in Melbourne from the early 70's ,, Builders Labourers Federation And the Waterside Workers Federation,,,,,, These people today and yesterday are the best behaved protesters I have seen for years and their impact will, for that reason, be significant. In my opinion.
just yesterday, a pimi jw that i've known for years told me that at the end of a wedding they recently attended in pennsylvania, usa, the "brother" that officiated the ceremony concluded by saying to the bride and groom, "you may now embrace the bride.
no kissing.
just a hug.
Hi jp1692
It's over on avoidjw. Its talk no s 41 e.
Not sure if I can cut and paste it here. https://faithleaks.org/wiki/documents/f/fb/S-41-E-07.pdf
2019 congregation field service and meeting attendance report-s-1-e. https://docdro.id/tosesq0.
2019 elders meet with regular pioneers--special pioneers-and field missionaries.-s-211-20-e. https://docdro.id/or4rg4l.
what is the teaching toolbox mentioned in above elders meeting documents?
Firstly, Thank you Atlantis. Really appreciate your work. PIMO I am and find these 'secret' things
most interesting.
@JW GoneBad.
That is what I thought also, however the jws see their big fella as 'IT'.
Evangelizer (10 occurrences)
The Greek eu·ag·ge·li·stesʹ (evangelizer) is closely related to the word eu·ag·geʹli·on, “good news” or “gospel.” (See GOOD NEWS; also Na 1:15, ftn; Mt 4:23, ftn.) ... Jehovah is the Great Evangelizer, or Bringer of good news.
it-1 pp. 770-771 - Insight, Volume 1
10 If there was no creation of man and woman in the garden of Eden and the Great God of the universe, Jehovah, had nothing to do with putting man here, then there was no sin to be taken away by the second Adam, Jesus Christ. ... He was a great Christian evangelizer, a man of faith who said: “For, indeed, Christ, while we were yet weak, died for ungodly men at the appointed time.” (Rom. 5:6)
w67 1/1 pp. 13-21 - The Watchtower—1967
(Bold highlight by me)
So, as i read it jesus is the great christian evangelizer. Mmm Notice the 'interesting use of high and lower case letters?
i personally find that when you’ve been around toxic people long enough, either in a family environment or as part of a cult or a highly controlling church, (or worse, both!
), you tend to get a very twisted view of your own identity and also human nature in general.. in a religious context, you may end up feeling that you are a “lowly worm” and that in general, people can’t be trusted.
since all you’ve known of relationships has been painful, complex and tiresome, it can give you the impression that this is the norm and that’s all you can expect .
Thank You Giordano.
Not to mention that 1.75 deaths globally per second are just looked upon as "I told you so" "It's Satan" according to the 'Bible' ,,Yep makes heaps of sense,,,,,
How many deaths per second will it take for the supreme deity to do something?
If we are made in his image and grieve when one human dies or one animal dies and jesus moaned when his mate died, how can he look at what's going on and do nothing.
Is he really real or a figment of religious humans' imaginations ?.
Just my 2 bobs worth.
Yes, faith is what it is. If it works for some, good. If it doesn't work for others (realists), good.
2019-08-28 destroy notes.. https://docdro.id/ojsdss2.
2012--2018 publications approved for discard.
Well Done Atlantis and thank you greatly.
Explains the serious 'three elders' huddle' perusing a letter before last nights meeting.
An elders son who is also pimo told me, as we were downing an ale post meeting, to wash the bullshit down at the local pub,"they must be shitting themselves, they've been told again to destroy evidence".
A box of beer to you
From Melbourne Australia.
"Timing is everything" The Qld decision has them worried now I reckon. Wow.
page 24 of “the origin of life” cites henry gee:.
a second, more serious challenge is the lack of proof that those creatures are somehow related.
specimens placed in the series are often separated by what researchers estimate to be millions of years.
Can you explain the arctic ice cores showing no sign of a global deluge?
I'm no uni student but i do have a healthy brain with a bullshit detector.
P.S. as i don't have access to the records you claim, could you please paste references to your arctic claims.... I'm happy to learn and admit errors in my thinking.