Woke up to this piece on Abc news Australia.
The Shine lawyer group have a reputation for going in hard.
woke up to this piece on abc news australia.. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-13/jehovah-witnesses-child-abuse-four-corners-investigations/100444320.
the shine lawyer group have a reputation for going in hard.. jtg..
Woke up to this piece on Abc news Australia.
The Shine lawyer group have a reputation for going in hard.
abc 4 corners tv here in australia to be seen on monday 13th september.. i`m looking forward to seeing it.. ex witnesses have their say ..
I'll be watching and am now sending the link to many, pimo and pimi folk I still communicate with.
have you heard this?
in the country of guatemala, by presidential mandate, all religion meetings should be celebrated only on-line!.
generally speaking, i wonder how worlwide restrictions on religious activities because of the pandemia are affecting them ...and the borg in particular.
I only spotted this.
Not a lot of detail however.
just spotted this on the abc online news here in aus.. the sort of things splane doesn't want the rank and file to hear.. about two women that finally saw through the control and hypocrisy of the jw belief system.. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-04/these-women-left-their-strict-religion-this-is-what-they-found/100165266.
Just spotted this on the abc online news here in Aus.
The sort of things splane doesn't want the rank and file to hear.
About two women that finally saw through the control and hypocrisy of the jw belief system.
in a scene reminiscent of the fall of saigon, the usa embassy staff have been evacuated by helicopter.. for a third time in asia ( a fourth, if you count usa supported chiang kai shek's defeat in mainland china) usa supported forces have been defeated.
more than 1 trillion dollars wasted and a huge deathtoll (both sides) afghanistan is back to where it started,.
will the taliban behave differently this time ?
I found this opinion piece interesting in line with Rivergangs post.
The first half was informative regarding the rifle. Second half, things we already know.
that rutherford or russell were into phrenology.
anyone have any info on this and is there anything in the tower or other publications going back about it?
Found this mickbobcat.
It's from the screwed generation utube. It references a zions wt July15 19097 p4028 &4029.
At about one minute thirteen seconds in. Seems they acknowledged it.
2021--powerful by faith, talk transcripts.. https://www.filemail.com/d/bpludvmsuqmaqdz.
The formats are safe as houses. I don't even use anti virus software. Never had a problem with the
'Lostcity' crews work. Atlantis,Petra et al.
That armageddon will come soon in the near future during the reign of the anglo-american world power!?
I've been hearing that crap for sixty five years.
I will check to see if anything else of interest (not) is there. My PIMO friends usually keep me updated.
in a scene reminiscent of the fall of saigon, the usa embassy staff have been evacuated by helicopter.. for a third time in asia ( a fourth, if you count usa supported chiang kai shek's defeat in mainland china) usa supported forces have been defeated.
more than 1 trillion dollars wasted and a huge deathtoll (both sides) afghanistan is back to where it started,.
will the taliban behave differently this time ?
I dunno what the weird problem is with me and links,,,,, did nothing different and it worked!!
Oh, and I got the title wrong too
in a scene reminiscent of the fall of saigon, the usa embassy staff have been evacuated by helicopter.. for a third time in asia ( a fourth, if you count usa supported chiang kai shek's defeat in mainland china) usa supported forces have been defeated.
more than 1 trillion dollars wasted and a huge deathtoll (both sides) afghanistan is back to where it started,.
will the taliban behave differently this time ?
Thanks for posting these links.
I've just finished reading this right now on the abc.
Stan Grant has a good opinion piece on this situation. It's titled "You have the watch,we have the time"
I'm having trouble linking the story.
the following is an urgent email message (except i deleted mention of my name and links which might include information about me,) i received from american atheists regarding the need to get the covid-19 vaccine.. ".
for months, we've thought that vaccine rates have been incredibly strong among our community..
for example, a pew poll in march found that 90% of atheist respondents indicated they'd already received the first vaccine dose or would "definitely" or "probably" seek the shot..
Ok, I see the post. Yes I'm biding my time and will, later in the year, be going for the Pfizer mrna vaccine, It's similar to the Moderna mrna.