Conversation with elder.
M Why do FDS feel the need to quote a Plymouth Brethren Elder, and add to his quote to support a teaching point?
E What are you talking about
M Vine,,, you know Vines Dictionary quote paragraph 10 for this weeks consideration,,, I'll show you
(grab the wt and point to said quote)
E Who told you that he was a P B E
M I researched it and wonder why this is needed given that he would be part of what is referred to as christendom.
I'm pretty sure the Plymouth Brethren wouldn't be quoting wt articles to their church regardless of any scholarly qualifications
E I wouldn't believe everything you read out there,,,,,,,, check the wt library to see if thats right,,,,,,as he walks away !
Now I'm no scholar but I'm not a dill. So, could someone on here provide a valid reason for this??
I have noticed that some on here are referred to as apologists, and, as I on other occasions couldn't get an answer for this question
from any elders, perhaps one of you may enlighten me or refer me to another post. Thank you