Hey sfpw,
You got the no 3 talk this week ???
time keeps on ticking into the future
excellent material can be found within the reasoning book, page 328, para.2, 3. occasionally, i see posters make presumptuous comments like, "all you need is the bible", or, "i'm born-again, so there's no need for spiritual assistance from another christian", or,"i'm saved", or my favorite, "jesus talks to me directly.
" on one hand, i can't be overly critical of such ones because they do attempt to read and understand the bible on their own.
(acts 17:11) not to mention they're generally peaceable folks, just self-misguided when erroneously believing that they can go it alone.
Hey sfpw,
You got the no 3 talk this week ???
time keeps on ticking into the future
cuz they feel like they're banging their heads against a wall.. i don't really fall into the category of atheist or believer, but i'll go where the facts lead me.
that generally leads to atheism, and is why atheists end up getting mad and therefore rude at believers: they will lay out facts, raise questions, play devil's advocate, and reason in an evidence-based, structured way.
i've seen it many times before on this forum.
Thank you Phizzy
Great piece free of the in your face "I've got an axe to grind" crap
It is worth gold. I have waded through some of the references and
they sure are revealing.
This journey is informative and interesting.
cuz they feel like they're banging their heads against a wall.. i don't really fall into the category of atheist or believer, but i'll go where the facts lead me.
that generally leads to atheism, and is why atheists end up getting mad and therefore rude at believers: they will lay out facts, raise questions, play devil's advocate, and reason in an evidence-based, structured way.
i've seen it many times before on this forum.
Jeffro, I am currently wading through all the cherry picking in wt publications.
I note that in your comment on the question in lf p 28 q 4 you only quote part of the
printed answer. Is that because you feel it is irrelevant or have the quotes in the lf brochure
been cherry picked. It is coincidental as I am currently pursuing these subjects at this time
seeing that, fortuitously, my "cognitive dissonance" is receding. I wanna prove or disprove
many things for myself.
"however, it would be appreciated if such donations are made without restrictions as to where and how the funds may be used.
" additionally, at this time, there is no need for donations of food, clothing, or other items.
if such needs arise in the future, you will be notified accordingly.
As it was read this morning a pall of uneasiness filled the hall,,,you could feel it as
the bro reading it was shuffling on the spot obviously affected by the import of it
and I'm thinking which knucklehead reckons the poor basta$%s dont need stuff.
Like, how many no longerhave families etc. Well in oz "moments like these need minties"
Pigs Ar%e. someone needs a cracker up theirs....... I'm steaming,,,,
for those who may be interested and wondering from where the " according to one study over.
forty percent..usw...." information is sourced.
its lifted from charles duhigg's 2012 book "a power of habit".
Thank you for those links jgnat, love the rider and the elephant analogy. Enjoyed the links.
I have this little being in my head that wakes up and says "oh? really?... where's the data?"
(although lately my little being isn't getting much sleep !)
Makes me a bit of a doubting Thomas but I think its helping me to form a happier
relationship with my elephant !!! lol
I agree with your "habituation to submission" comment as I am since recent times "back in"
and I see the process in action around me but I reckon those reminder articles that
I guess are part of the submission process, are subliminally directed at the elders
as it may well be recognised the reality of that "kindly care" often goes missing in action.
for those who may be interested and wondering from where the " according to one study over.
forty percent..usw...." information is sourced.
its lifted from charles duhigg's 2012 book "a power of habit".
For those who may be interested and wondering from where the " According to one study over
forty percent..usw...." information is sourced. Its lifted from Charles Duhigg's 2012 book "A Power Of Habit"
He there makes reference to a study paper published in 2006 by the Duke University.
The paper, entitled " Habits--- A Repeat Performance" actually states that "approximately 45% ..usw......)
Actually I found it an interesting read. The paper also appeared in " CURRENT DIRECTIONS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE"
Vol 15 no 4 pages 198 through 202.
dear forumites, i need your advise please.. i would like to write a letter to the world headquarters of the jehovah's witnesses regarding a subject that i've published an article recently.
i would like to draw the attention of the gb to said article, which i will send in print form (therefore, no attention would be drawn to the website where it was published).. naturally, because i am a jehovah's witness in good standing in the congregation and what i'll be discussing in my letter will be a dissenting view from the official doctrine/practice, i want to protect my identity and i don't want to be harassed by elders or subjected to any sort of judicial investigation.
nevertheless, i would be very interested in reading their response (if any) to my letter.. how can i do that?
I wonder, if it came from a known studious publisher ( in the opinion of the local body) in a cong from another country with no apparent connection to yourself and with a reasonable standing in the cong???? Make letter available to said publisher and see what happens. Trouble is you are connected to your site via this forum so you gotta ask yourself,,,, would I rob a bank with this said person?
should a female publisher wear a headcovering if she is accompanied by a male publisher at a door step bible study?
when a female publisher conducts a regular ,scheduled bible study and a male kingdom publisher is present, she should wear a head covering.(1cor.
11:3-10)the july 15, 2002 issue of the watchtower, page 27, explains: this is a pre arranged session of teaching where the one conducting the study actually presides.
In the short time I've been here I must say how Impressed I am with the depth of
research many have and are doing, in and outside the WTS. The above KM article bemused me.
It's due for consideration tonight and I do recall how the matter caused confusion
years ago and continues to do so, apparently !
I am using the WT CD less for a couple of reasons;
The salient references for and against adopting a position on any topic are to be found on this site.
A wide range of views on a topic can be considered to reach a view that I'm comfortable with.
And I get to have a good laugh to boot !!!!!!!
The light does get brighter!!!!!!
Thank you
wolford and betty john,nice loveing couple,always loved children.. arther and tinnie roderson, nice couple he passed away some years ago too young from cancer.. wiakato and hine gray couldn't ask for better people.. jack teesie ..single guy would never go to a single sisters place for dinner even if she had children apperantly a bad look.. joe sleighman and wife nice couple were d.o's leaft and joined our side.. sandy pannell and wife...he reminded me of bill clinton always love to look down from the stage and wave his left finger at the congro....never liked him.. han's hubler,nuff said has been a few threads started about him.. there is many more.. karter..
Vin Toole appears to be the "big-time" lawyer as he is named on most of the important financial and corporate matters.
Ms R. van Wilson legal counsel got the job in the Inquiry into handling of child abuse. She handled
matters much better than O'Brien the Director and acting Branch Coordinator.
i have been inactive for 5 years now.
lately i am being treated more and more as if i were disfellowshipped, which i am not.
do any of you know of anything, in writing, that is encouraging members to curtail any and all association with former members who are no longer active?.
Well I notice that also Eden and many KM articles encourage communication and encouragement with respect to inactive ones. What caught my eye last week was the constitution that congs in oz voted on to qualify for tax breaks under the new charitable institutions statutes. In the jw constitution it states that, under "definition of membership", "active publishers" are recognised as members. I queried this with an elder in view of the OM book that considers inactive ones to be part of the congregation and need to be encouraged. I saw this as a contradiction. He said "don't worry about legal stuff, they're gonna point a huge cannon our way soon and it wont matter" I did see a note in the elders manual that suggested if a inactive member of the family sinned then those in the family may well treat him accordingly. I guess if you discuss your feelings about your doubts and the family don't like it then that might lead to a "shunning " situation.