I shouldn't be watching videos like these ones here, but he he he he he !!!!!
Thanks the OP and V.I
the kids were on vacation so i had the privilege of feeding the grandson's zoo.. my instruction.. grandpa.. cage one ,two and three...baby tarantulas.
they must be fed three times a week.. five fruit flies in cage two and three and 10 fruit flies in cage three.
(me) son i can't see.
I shouldn't be watching videos like these ones here, but he he he he he !!!!!
Thanks the OP and V.I
quote from 1 june 2015 watchtower:.
quote from 1 june 2015 watchtower:.
quote from 1 june 2015 watchtower:.
@ NELIM : " I think the first two aren't misquotes? WT article says that some scientists think that if God existed, he would have been found. Which is what the quotes say..."
Really ?! I would say that the second quote, though not an outright misquote is definitely intended to misinform and mislead the followers of WTS. You and I well know that WTS publish these half truths in the knowledge that faithful J-dubs would never bother to research the quotes !
watchtower governing body leadership directly impacts 7 million members earth wide.
would he change a true teaching?
up to that point christians have obeyed the command at romans 13:1: "let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities.
california court guts child abuse ruling against jehovahs witnesses.
topics: religion / religion and government .
As long as the wider society, including the courts, has it's head up its backside, the WTS will continue to get away with their despicable acts, in the full knowledge that nobody gives a rat's whisker what they do to their members and just how destructive they can be. This charade of hair-splitting between what's legal and moral, hosted and encouraged by the US legal system without due regards to the measurable damages that the WTS inflicts, is simply ludicrous and clearly highlights an area where the government has failed in its primary duty of protecting the citizenry. Please let no one take this as an attack on the US or its legal system as I am sure the US has uncountable things to boast and about, and rightly so. Unfortunately, this apparent lapse in the Conti case is not one that the US can boast about.
Is this the government's way of saying that anyone joining any religious group is basically out there on their own and does so at their own peril ?! Of course, that was a dumb a question since the government has zero interest in religion and cares even less what happens to anyone involved in religion especially those fringe ones such as the WTS.
The American law, as I understand it, allows the creepy WTS to snake its way under the bar on the grounds that spiritual matters are not justiciable in American courts...even when the effects of membership are evident and quantifiable ?! I am begging any law expert to help me out on this !
I live in the UK and would agree with anyone that it is far from being a perfect society, but this Conti case is one that could have left the WTS wondering what hit it if the case had been heard in a UK court !
a month ago someone inquired about where the case against watchtower in otuo v watchtower was at currently.
firstly the claimant has brought two separate claims against the watchtower .
case 1 relates to a suit in slander premised on the words , "frank otuo is no longer a jehovah witness".
The Watchtower Organisation is hurting and bleeding but has, so far, restricted its "theocratic warfare" to court rooms and newspaper pages. However, I worry that, in the long term, as the hurt continues from litigations against the society, it might adopt a mafia-style hit which would see to it that litigants in complex and costly suits against the WTBS either disappear mysteriously or have a "nice" little accident to put them out of the way.
Yes, I know it sounds far-fetched, but would the WTBS stand by and watch its very own demise, occasioned by an inevitable rash of litigations from former members ?!
This organisation already has a track record for fighting dirty. It remains a religious organisation only in name. How much of a leap is it from their current moral (or immoral) position to where I fear they could be heading in the future ?
while working on a comments for one of the articles in the march 15, 2015 watchtower (on types and antitypes) i decided to make a transcript of the talk that turned into that particular article.
as usual, the article that finally saw print had evolved quite a bit from the original.. anyway, here's the transcript that i also put up on the ad1914.com site.. the 2014 annual meeting program video can be found on tv.jw.org (currently found under programs and events).
the following speech can be found about the 2 hour and 8 minute mark in the video.
Keenly watching this space !
Thanks for the post.
i am skipping the details on how we got to this point.
conversation was calmed and pleasant and while i know she is not the most educated person (she can hardly read), its hard to justify it by saying is a matter of ignorance.
it is definitely something inside her that triggers on that very moment.. me: i don't know where all the money is going.
@WHATHAPPENED "It sounds like she is ready to drink the Kool Aid..."
Don't be silly ! This lady is drowning in it !!!!!
posted on april 19, 2015http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/jw-org-does-partial-u-turn-over-awake-magazine-rama-singh-misquote
jw.org has removed their misquote of rama singh from digital versions of awake!
i was raised as a jw from about the age of 2, my parents were baptized when i was 5 years old.. i always liked the thought in the song about a young boy leading all of these once viscous animals, that are now tame.... in some of the reading i have done, the digestive tracts of carnivores..meat eaters has a highly acidic stomach, with a short small intestine and a short large intestine [bowel].
a lot of apes are frugivores [fruit eaters] less acid, long small intestine and longer bowel.
the question: did god recreate these animals [carnivores] and change their digestive tracts after the noachian flood so that they could eat meat [other creatures] as the jw's believe that these animals only ate straw [herbivores] before the flood and that he will restore their original herbivore digestive tract after armageddon?.
Hey, GEEVEE ! This is quite a scary road to tread, you know !!
I had exactly the same thoughts nagging away in my skull a few days ago. I mean, I have now stopped attending the Kingdom Hall and ditched everything to do with the WTS. However, I just don't want to peer too deeply into some of those rather dodgy biblical accounts on account of what I might find ! At 50+, I wouldn't know where to go with my life if my belief in God - the entire structure on which I have built and lived my life was to suddenly crumble !
While the highly complex nature of organisms (including man) may suggest that they are products of intelligent design (and this is now my singular basis for hanging on to a belief in God), however, the manner in which these organisms interact, dominate and ultimately destroy each other to promote their own survival, simply doesn't make sense to me ! And this is why I dread going down this tunnel of reasoning because it really does scare the shit out of me, knowing vaguely as everyone else here, that I am likely to come out at the other end completely stripped of my belief in God ! I think I will just do a bit more research and if starts to turn really scary, I'll just bury my head in some sand and sing la la la and hopefully spend the rest of my days in bliss, playing the ostrich.
My belief in a Creator is what keeps me going in this filthy, cut-throat world. It was my search for this Creator and a desire to establish a direct relationship with him which led me into the clutches of the WTS, in the first place ! That belief has taken a good knock but it remains my anchor in the unceasing turbulence of life. It is my comfort blanket and my main recourse when my very sanity is threatened by the world around me. If I ever lost that belief, I would most probably lose my sanity and, humanity would be the worse for it as there is no telling what monster would be unleashed when one becomes very inward looking, selfish, mean and quite vengeful since there will be no hereafter and, therefore, no further opportunity to redress any injustice suffered now ! You see, one could become just as hard-nosed as the rest of the shark, sorry, human population !
It seems like a losing battle trying to establish as facts, events that have been attributed to a God who, today appears quite aloof and disinterested in helping truth seekers to sort out myths and outright lies from the facts, if ever those events did occur.
Sorry, if that was a bit of a rant. Just needed to get a few things out of my head and, if you are reading this, dear God, this has been an open letter to you !
10 " any israelite or any alien living among them who eats any bloodi will set my face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from his people.
12 therefore i say to the israelites, "none of you may eat blood, nor may an alien living among you eat blood.
15 'anyone, whether native-born or alien, who eats anything found dead or torn by wild animals must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be ceremonially unclean till evening; then he will be clean.