There was a watchtower article that said they can't be sure about what happens until the event actually occurs. I don't remember where it was from, but if I find it I'll quote it. It didn't make sense when I read that. I thought, then what's the point if making future predictions and claiming them to be true, when they aren't even sure about it?
JoinedPosts by A.proclaimer
Did the GB ever receive new light without the passage of time forcing it upon them?
by Zoos in1914 did not bring the end they were hoping for so new light shone down from above and corrected their understanding.. 1925 also led to unfulfilled expectations and so new light was bestowed.. .
(i could go through all the dates and expectations... but i won't.).
what if the new light about 1914 being the year that christ returned was provided before 1914?
Those that are still in or recently left
by skeeter1 inwas there a decline in the number of jws in your congregation?
if so, by how many has it gone down and what is the time frame?
(i don't go and haven't gone i a long time.
My old congregation in Spanish actually grew from the last time I left there. The congregation I attend now doesn't have many people but it's always been small. Any new people we get are just other Witnesses that want to learn the foreign language. I haven't seen any new converts in the past 3 years since being there except for one young guy.
Could There Be Another Mass Exodus From This Cult?
by mrquik init's happened before.
how much crap can any rational human being take before they just snap & walk away disgusted?.
Mass exodus.. maybe. I do believe people will start questioning 1914, or have some thoughts about it. Problem is that they're so hooked on what the Governing body says, and having this unquestionable power, they can tell the flock to just listen, be patient, and continue on with how things are going, it's already been done as with the Watchtower articles a few months back. People will wait. With all this time invested in the religion, to even think against it and the teachings is unthinkable. Islandman made a good point that disassociating was easier in 1975, and 1975 pushed peoples hopes to seeing the end of this system of things, but 2014 hasn't. I do believe though that people will fade post 1914, especially those on the edge. The commands to listen and obey can only last for so long before people find out something is wrong.
history has shown that after time of being ruled by men with unquestionable power, people uprise and they fall. Either that or a split happens.
AWAKE! Blasts Vatican "Hypocrisy" on Real Estate Aquisitions
by 4thgen inawake!
may 22, 1969 page 30. watching the world: blasts vatican hypocrisy.
professor harvey cox of the harvard university divinity school told some 4,000 prelates, priests, students and scholars from more than 9 countries that the roman catholic church is helping foster unbelief.
It's so ironic how for years the Watchtower condemned all these organized religions for doing this and that and in the end they use the same methods. Thus the pot calling the kettle black. One elder I was talking to about the donation arrangements and property buying justified it by saying "the churches of Christendom do it too".
Can White JWs Have Mustaches?
by Space Madness insomeone mentioned in another thread that white jws can't have mustaches but black jws can.
i noticed that the only governing body member with a mustache is black.
can anyone confirm that this is an official policy?
It isn't true nowadays. Today it doesn't matter if you wear one of not, I've seen white, black, and Hispanics wear mustaches in the halls and they're considered appropriate. I've read stories that around and during the 70's it wasn't allowed, unoffical rule like Blondie said but that's no longer the case and hasn't been like that for a long time.
Did other JWs judge you? What for?
by Julia Orwell insome judged me for going/having gone to university.
some judged me for being 'too smart.
' some judged my non jw brother for being in the army.
I got judged for having "long hair", long by JW standards, longer than the average JW. I would be told to go get a haircut, or sometimes made fun of. One time in field service, the Elder's wife started questioning my hair and my brother's, telling is it was long. She started to make fun of us cause of that, cause we didn't get it cut once a month and didn't want to get it cut at that moment when a kid in our group went to get get his in the middle of field service. Then a few other congregation membera joined her. Not the first time I had my "long hair" caused an issue. Nowadays I keep it shorter for my own reasons, not because of them. But it was still embarrassing and not fun when that happened.
Ironically, I wore a stubble for a few months and no one said anything, except my mother who kept nagging me about it. I still got to do the microphones a few times too. The new congregation I go to didn't say anything about it, at least to me.
I finally Found it Again! The Worst Quote in WT History.
by objectivetruth in*** w55 7/15 p. 436 war from heaven brings peace to earth ***.
men can spray a field with chemicals that kill weeds but spare crops; too bad they cannot spray cities with bombs that blow the bad to bits but leave the innocent intact..
Worse quote is... Nothing? Lol
BOE: Re: Midweek meetings during visit of circuit overseer
by pixel inyou read it here first!.
to all congregations.
re: midweek meetings during visit of circuit overseer .
At least I won't have to go for one more day of the week, glad about that. More cutbacks, wonder what they're up to with this..
One thing about this site that bothers me
by keyser soze inthe constant references to 'window washers' as something derogatory.. i understand the context of it-that most jws are uneducated, and unqualified to do much more.
but sometimes the references seem snobbish, almost mean-spirited.
one poster, on another thread, essentially referred to window washers as 'losers'.
Someone needs to wash windows, and do other hands-on jobs. Can't have a world without them, so I admire people who do those jobs as well.
30th Anniversary of THAT classic 1914 WT front cover
by wizzstick in.
please join with me, and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the classic wt with the front cover which boldly proclaimed that the generation of 1914 would never pass away.. the cover date of the that wt is infact this very day so let us raise a glass to this clear sign they have god's backing:.
in this the 100th anniversary of our lords return (invisibly of course brothers) it is a fine and appropriate thing to do..
R.I.P. Generation that saw 1914