I lost everything in one fell swoop! After sending Brooklyn a few printouts of the prophecies from Studies of the Scriptures, and what degree of accuracy they were operating at, as well as Rutherford, and the Knorr regime (mind you, this was done on a Control Data 3600 machine in those days in one of the first quasi relational databases - Inform) I was told by the elders that there would be no more magazine counter, no more book study responsibilities, no more ministry school servant gigs, no more parts, no more public talks, no more leading FS, and no more commenting at meetings (no, I lost that after my friend Paul Akers was disfellowshipped for apostacy) and I got up that night after the announcement and spoke to the congregation as the Apostle Paul did at Mars Hill. How did I feel? Well, I tried to run my car into a wall, but God wasn't going to let that happen. Then I tried open ocean swimming very drunk, many nights, but God wasn't going to let that happen either.
JoinedPosts by lawrence
Were You Ever Put On Restrictions?
by minimus inas a jw, were you ever put on restrictions?
how did you feel when you were told that a certain "privilege" was being taken from you?
were you given any warning by the elders in charge that what you did merited a removal of some sort?
Poems For Those Inclined Toward God
by lawrence inat the cutting edge
the cutting edge is cutting
in georgia woods, the peace of god
Be nice if this site kept text spaced and formatted as entered, in lieu of that, it looks mighty funky and crazed - then again cool... check it out at the posted website. peace and blessings!
Poems For Those Inclined Toward God
by lawrence inat the cutting edge
the cutting edge is cutting
in georgia woods, the peace of god
Wanted to post a few poems from the collection 'Poems For Those Inclined Toward God' - www.pigdog-press.com/lmp/ - this is the preview of the collection minus photos. Yahweh had written in Hebrew of anointed kings, high priests, prophets who sold holiness gifts for trinkets listened to fellows as astute as 18 year old horoscopes sold by hawker witches telling the future by feeling keys the energy in and out from the metal like a hole in the head- Alpha pouring through Beta being divided Zeta, Zoe, life is full of mystery beyond this human cranium after all, spirituality was lost in Eden so we fake; play games with Omniscient do a jitterbug with God Almighty juke the hips, head fake; tell God, or don't tell Him At The Cutting Edge The cutting edge is cutting Ripped cleavage, deafened silence Confusion of rights and wrongs Cutting arteries cutting valve attacks cutting palpitations A mercy dance about the meeting room Where the Cutty Sark becomes the cutting edge A dance about the holy altar Of repeated lies, and holiness walks Refuting, reputing, reinstalling, recalling Emptiness, and the occasional sordid demon dreams That justifies the cutting edge Cutting souls Oh Lord, in this Eden Oh Lord, in this Eden, my head was made to mush. Oh Lord, in this Eden, what ever happened to us? You split on Adam, and required blood; From a man from Adam, who wasn't any good. From a woman from Adam, who with birth pains delivered goods. You split on Adam, and then required blood. That Not All Creation Is Expected To Show Up On Time schools of Tampa Bay dolphin in still water, a little skin 2 inches of dorsal fin; enough, to show work bound motorists a 1/4 hour before a Florida December dawn that not all creation is expected to show up on time after our time, an obit, hopefully laudatory; so many missing spaces hoping before we pass to recount the story of dolphins circling schools, fluttering, feeling timeless in this Cosmos; yet, we record everyday trivia, attempting to venerate Nothing Will Be Private In The Kingdom Sparkle pavement of diamonds floating Establishing a 3 a.m. precedent Of watching the movements descending As snores rattle the windows Of a drunken Rochester Main Street bar crowd Peace, knowing You, in my bloodstream All pumped through vessels that speak roaring The winds are roaring, but my heart is at peace For You renew me each day with the Spirit Which dances in my life to bring to others A sense of knowing faith, not a list of answers There is only one answer for this planet That answer is purging, that answer is cleansing The sparkles seem to increase, as more diamonds float down Piling up on Coventry Avenue, piling up in Canadaigua Where a Hobie Cat can carry one across the waters And PRIVATE PROPERTY signs are buried under diamonds Nothing will be private in the Kingdom Poets and their confessional poems, the roots of Satsang Constant Satsang around the throne Poets have a head start on this plane If they don't allow themselves to go insane Hazel Hates Hypocrites You could be anything - a murderer, a thief, or a bookie; as long as you're honest. Hazel hates hypocrites. Like that Father Peter with the big belly, a molester reading Matthew 20 at High Mass. Drunk and disheveled under a gilded robe and sanctified by a boy crazed church. Baptisms for sale, a bazaar to Hazel, who sucked off Father Pete while on an 8 day drunk. Baptisms for sale, a bazaar to Hazel, who saw Father Roy being lap danced by strippers. Baptisms for sale, a bazaar to Hazel, who watched church coffers bet on football games. You could be anything - a murderer, a thief, or a bookie; as long as you're honest. Hazel hates hypocrites. RELAX The Holy Goof is always alive When we become beat, beautiful, and wise Able to laugh in the face of death Death disappears, and we breathe deep breaths IN AND OUT, THE LUNGS RELAX A smile radiates and we feel glad IN AND OUT, THE LUNGS RELAX No need to sigh, or ever look back BUT LAUGH AND SING, SMILE AT NEW THINGS Eye contact with a million Might only bring one set of eyes AND WITH THAT ONE DANCE, PRANCE 'BOUT SQUARES; TWIRL IN MID AIR RELAX All worrying is done Not Only The Man, But God That they, the Jews and the Romans, dragged Jesus through the streets; Not only the man, but God, in a corruptible human shell. This mob of morons dragged God through the streets; The very same God, who threw the bums out of the Temple buying and selling. Not a man, they spit upon, but God, in the form of man. And in turn, when we turn our back on God, we spit on God; As accursed bastards, when we don't listen to Jesus' words. Divinity Sucked Mary's Breast To see the little hands stretch fingers and the tiny feet kicking. To see a grimacing face, requesting a nipple to suck. Divinity sucked Mary's breast as Joseph and Mary fled Herod. Traveling without a breast pump, without pampers, without Handy Wipes, without stores that sold salves. Divinity sucked Mary's breast from Bethlehem to Egypt to Nazareth before strangers. A nipple was the lifeblood of Jesus, though God in the flesh, needing nutrition nonetheless. As Joseph picked up odd jobs, trying to put food on the table for his loving wife,so she could feed Divinity. In Georgia Woods In Georgia woods, the peace of God Refinement of importance, the laughter of friends Awakening the blessing of full life rebirth In Georgia woods, the Holy Spirit speaks Telling me - one God is One, and He hears Desires of the heart, those of full life rebirth Double Booked The Shaman Of Machu Pichu The promoters double booked the shaman of Machu Pichu. London and Toronto on the same night, the Palm Pilot wasn't right; Nor were the correct emails sent, and in this light this meant - The shaman of Machu Pichu couldn't be in two places at the same time. Obviously unable to become divine, or align himself with the Gregorian calendar. Hell, Can You Believe It? Hell, can you believe it? Angels turned bad, with hot coals on tongs; Placed at the bottom of your feet. Screaming repeatedly "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Hell, can you believe it? POOF! Imagine a planet Where the people didn't Believe they were created POOF! Just poof! Ancestors just got here With a flick of the wrist Quicker than a bic - FLICK! Just got here … from a frog From a hog …. Or a pig Or a dog, A big ugly ape A scape GOAT Just got here POOF! Brother Thaddeus Brother Thaddeus was chucked into a coffin in his cassock, silent and faithful. He was put on display for the entire monastery to witness the lifeless shell of a faithful, stern faced, bulging veins, and pale white. The monastery's students were awoken early the morning after Brother Thaddeus' death, and ushered down for cereal and prayers, novenas, and nuances from the Psalms. For many of the younger boys this was the first time they had seen death. There was no one to talk to them about the lifeless monk, there was no grief counseling. A few of the older boys went back to their rooms to listen to Black Sabbath records, do blotter acid, and walk outside the gates to smoke a fatty Brother Thaddeus was interned in the monastery graveyard. There was no will to read, there were no possessions to be distributed. Another monk would soon occupy Brother Thaddeus' wood bunk. The monk would stare at the same walls that Brother Thaddeus stared at, until he was chucked into a coffin in his cassock, silent and faithful. Jimi Swagart shouldn't have sped read his Bible Jimi Swagart shouldn't have sped read his Bible, forgot the dots and titles; Listening to too many hookers' fiddles; though covered the pages a 1000 times. THE MOB, A WICKED PHENOMENON The mob eats blood drippings A sacrifice daily, Sundays hourly A bull, sheep, goat, bo peep is lead to the altar Someone must die, carry guilt burdens Someone must die, passed like a hot potato In judges' robes, a mad pack of dogs The Mob, A Wicked Phenomenon So forlorn in America so forlorn in America not knowing how to look at one another how to meet, what to speak Data Banks overflowing with uncertainty of what to say, what to be, where to go so forlorn in America not knowing how to love one another bored before we meet, bored after
How Can We Sleep When Our Beds R Burning?
by patio34 infrom my local newspaper today.
we're really gambling with our and our children's futures.
president has led us us into three quagmires .
Are you surprised? This man's grandfather supported the Germans with technology (with many others including IBM's Watson)until 1943 when the Senate said no more. These filthy animals (and the rest of their Yale 'Skull and Bones Club') have no respect for life, liberty, nor the pursuit of freedom. As Henry Ford shook Hitler's hand and congratulated him at German trade shows the elder Bush was rallying behind Heil Hitler. History says it all, and now we see a "chip off the old block." Folks, research this! Then again, there are some on this forum who want the New World Order, and seeing that Brokklyn couldn't give you the power your egos required and the pursuits of degraded minds and consciences, then you're hoping that this lecherous killer might. This is not politics - we're talking about Natural Born Killers who defile the God they say they worship, "and by your acts, God is spoken of abusively." This is no party, this is no disco, and these depraved low-lifes are not fooling around.
The generation that by no means would pass away until all things occurred
by professor inwow!
i longed for the day when the last of the anointed remnant was on his/her death bed and all of the witnesses awaited to be swept away into the new system.. who knew that they could just, with one stroke of "new light" change everything and do away with this hope/doctrine.
how many times did i preach it from door to door and misrepresent god and the bible!
Francois- Yes! I totally agree. THis divisiveness is age old, and WE know from where.
The generation that by no means would pass away until all things occurred
by professor inwow!
i longed for the day when the last of the anointed remnant was on his/her death bed and all of the witnesses awaited to be swept away into the new system.. who knew that they could just, with one stroke of "new light" change everything and do away with this hope/doctrine.
how many times did i preach it from door to door and misrepresent god and the bible!
Regarding the 144,000, the GB has at times pointed to the writings of Donatus of Africa, who left the church in the 4th century, striking out on his own after the advents of Manicheism and Gnosticism. I also believe that some offshoots of the Dukabors (yes, the same people who went off naked into the Canadian wilderness awaiting their rapture and finally hauled back to town by the Mounties) believed in the literal number. So, in this regard, the GB and their 144,000 of the tribes are in good company - with other maniacs.
The generation that by no means would pass away until all things occurred
by professor inwow!
i longed for the day when the last of the anointed remnant was on his/her death bed and all of the witnesses awaited to be swept away into the new system.. who knew that they could just, with one stroke of "new light" change everything and do away with this hope/doctrine.
how many times did i preach it from door to door and misrepresent god and the bible!
Based on the "adaptive theology" we once preached from the platform and door to door, it is obvious that as the elite die off, the Organization will have to charge many of the dead with "not having their wedding garments secured when they passed over" and a new group will get the calling, and this will perpetuate the Little Flock. It will be "so obvious" to Brooklyn, yet revealed "in its own due time." Once again, Jehovah's Genius Prophets will come to the rescue with the answer, and a new group of peddlers will be made obedient to the cause.
Fw: As Bro Sydlick was saying the closing prayer
by NikL ini just had to pass this on to you.. it is an e mail that is making the rounds.. what do you think of this.... (beware!
gagging may be expected).
the 41,000 friends at the international convention in michigan .
SS- Hope the work of the most High Reverend D.A. Waite on Hort & Westcott's heresies in Christology didn't give you indigestion or the Tony Mamaluke twitch. To recoup the low donations the WBTS members are going to vote next weekend on whether mud wrestling will be an accepted means of field service for temporary pioneers 7 - 70 (no discrimnation here). These matches will be held at schools and race tracks but no VFW or American Legion Halls, after all didn't Brother Mastermind teach us that...
Fw: As Bro Sydlick was saying the closing prayer
by NikL ini just had to pass this on to you.. it is an e mail that is making the rounds.. what do you think of this.... (beware!
gagging may be expected).
the 41,000 friends at the international convention in michigan .
Hamas- Loved your comment. Yes, he would be perfect in Washington! Or, maybe making a sequel to 'Death to the Archbishops.' I'm so happy to hear that the stage is not dead, long live King Lear and the memories of Freddie Franz memorizing the Masoretic Text. These kids today are the result of Teenage Wasteland (The Who) - "they're all wasted," after having to fight for "their meals" new publications at assemblies - tired and worn out puppies. Anybody have a Hort & Westcott available?
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-13-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 7-13-03 wt study
reviewer comments will be in black or parentheses.
wt quotes will be in red or quotations
Blondie- When I think of a billion hours in human lifetimes, all that comes to mind is what Jesus said - "you Pharisees traverse land and sea to make one disciple and you make him/her twice as condemnable to hell." All that time preaching hatred and divisiveness, no mercy and lots of judgement, and moreso, always having to be RIGHT about EVERYTHING; always ready and WILLING to 1 up every poor S.O.B. just trying to get by in this crazy world. Anyone afraid to come out of the Organization (any religious organization) should pick up a copy of my poetry collection, 'Poems For Those Inclined Toward God.' (www.pigdog-press.com/lmp/) If anyone needs a trip to the wilderness to shake out their demons and writhe away all the wicked crap they have absorbed at meetings and conventions, I take people into the mountains, where it all goes away - very quickly. "Perfect love casts out all fears." lawrence