At least a toast of baby mice wine.
JoinedPosts by lawrence
Planning that "Last Book Study" party? Try these foods at the proper time!
by Nathan Natas inok, you've got 'er coffeecake and tea biscuits or white castle hamburgers-by-the-bagful, but if you want to make that last bookstudy --we're marking the end of a 113 year-old tradition, you know -- really memorable, check out this shopping list:.
Florida Considers Christian License Plate
by OnTheWayOut inflorida considers christian license plateby jessica gresko,apposted: 2008-04-24 08:22:10 miami (april 24) - florida drivers can order more than 100 specialty license plates celebrating everything from manatees to the miami heat, but one now under consideration would be the first in the nation to explicitly promote a specific religion.. .
james moore, faith in teaching / ap.
the florida legislature is considering a specialty plate with a design that includes a christian cross, a stained-glass window and the words "i believe.".
Maybe one of the signature plates will show someone investigating a chad, another showing an election worker stealing a bag of votes, another showing Kathleen doing a back room deal, girls gone wild at Panama City, or Disney during gay pride week. Lots of motifs with 100 plates.
Apostate Dilemma
by Princess Daisy Boo inoh, sit tight... i need to tell you a bit of background first.... oh, about 12/13 years ago, when i was still in, i became friends with a little crowd of dubs that were new to our area and cong.
they were quite a liberal bunch - certainly the most liberal i had ever come across and although they were striving for priviledges etc, they got up to a lot of naughty sh!t and definitly committed dfable offences.
well i wasn't exactly innocent either... i was just relieved to have come accross likeminded friends that my parents wouldn't get on my case about.
We don't always need to state things. They need an upbeat person to listen, and care. Maybe bring some popcorn and a copy of Captain Ron or Overboard and give them an opportunity to stop thinking and laugh, even for just a few hours.
Body of Liars
by R.Crusoe indid you ever get to a point where you realised the elders are collectively deceiving you and your children from your own lives?.
a point where their claims not to lie were greatly surpased by their collective deception of tying your reality into knotts?.
in fact much as they claim the original sin was constructed - a deception and not a straightforward blatent lie!.
When an organization dictates, "my way or the highway" then all forms of supporting that organization comes into play - deceit, coverups, character assasination, and downright malicious activities. Organizations come in all flavors - the Borg, the Catholic Church, the SS, Hells Angels, NAACP, the Republican Party, and all of them have many things in common, especially - when push comes to shove, the survival of the Orgnaization supecedes any individual's honesty, conscience, or well being. You MUST become a liar to remain an elder in a man's organization.
Todays blessing to the GB - may you all choke, before another word exits your mouths.
The Big Announcement!!!
by oneairhead ini heard the big announcement was about restructuring the meetings.
when i told my source he wanted to know how i found out about it and proceeded to tell him it was all online.
i told him about other things that only elders would know about that are online.. one.
Maybe they're going to show movies at meetings and sell pop corn and candy; and stop busting people's balls.
A Major Announcement next weekend
by JWRESEARCH ina huge announcement will be made in the end of watchtower study next weekend.
we may post here the main issue soon.
They could police the sheep better at KH. Maybe too many people are getting freindly in homes, and the disillusionment is spreading. Then again, maybe they have a new dosage of Kool Aid available at the literature counter.
FEMA Recruiting Pastors To Prepare For Martial Law
by What-A-Coincidence in
a pastor has come forward to blow the whistle on a nationwide fema program which is training pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to "obey the government" in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.. .
in march of this year the pastor, who we shall refer to as pastor revere, was invited to attend a meeting of his local fema chapter which circulated around preparedness for a potential bio-terrorist attack, any natural disaster or a nationally declared emergency.. .
No difference than Jewish Rabbis encouraging the flock to follow the Hitlerite SS. In a world of vicarious armchair brutes, there is little courage left, so the sheep will follow FEMA, Bush, the Antichrist, anyone and everyone. Shouting "we're number 1!" and being cowards, goes hand in hand.
My dad just came out... as one of the annointed
by Pwned ini know i don't post here that often but this just kind of blew me away.
my dad just "came out" recently as annointed and i find it so weird.
he's always been pretty level headed and he's been in for over 30 years.
Howdy Quotes & Nathan-
People once marveled at Reaganomics - nothing compared to borgboolean. These guys pull numbers out of the air everywhere in hexadecimal.
That was great! That is how sophmoric these bozos are. Wrecking lives is just a friggin game to most! Very depraved men.
And then there are those who use mind games! Bastards, most of them; the others quit. These frustrated mental midgets need a reason to feel important - and that's where the BORG plays their hand with those who are "lovers of themselves" - the elders.