- no knock warrants exist.
- nut job (police or burgler) who crawled in through a basement window and is now heading up your stairs in the dead of night
remember: these ARE the police, not military:
"... is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States."
Woody Guthrie Ludlow Massacre :
"Refers to the violent deaths of 20 people, 11 of them children, during an attack by the Colorado National Guard on a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families in Ludlow, Colorado on April 20, 1914"
The fact that the federal govt can pick you up without arresting you (indefinite detention), no access to lawyers, no rights, whisked away to Zeus-only-knows where.
Homan square black sight in Chicago is used by police there.
Just putting all this info in one place.
For some, there is no point except to debate, other than to debate some more. Honestly, there needs to be some rollbacks on general government and police powers. The police are rolling around inside the USA, shooting people who are suspects and getting away with it. The latest were 2 kids who allegedly broke into some cars. They were driving a Dodge Challenger, owned by the 16yo victim of the police shooting. His car is likely now owned by the same police dept that shot him. Because "civil forfeiture" is a real thing. And a real problem. That kid was never under arrested or even spoke to a cop before he was shot dead. He never had his day in court. Never had his side heard before jury of his peers. Nothing.
Because the police can act like judge, jury and executioner.
That needs fixed. They need to be held to the same standards as civilians. Banks, too. Money needs pulled out of politics, both during campaign season and through perks used as payoffs (or however its done these days... likely perks, not cash).