7. Normal operating expenditures: Normal operating expenditures include per capita contributions for use of an Assembly Hall, payments for other meeting facilities, and reimbursement of the special assembly day guest speaker or trav-eling overseer for travel costs or other incidental expenses incurred in connection with a circuit assembly, an assigned district convention, or a special assembly day or while teaching the Pio-neer Service School or moving to a new assign-ment. Such expenditures do not require a res-olution. Instead, they can be approved by the assembly overseer or the assistant assembly over-seer either by signing the invoice or by providing one of the signatures on the check. An itemized list of expenses,together with receipts, should be provided.
Legal Dictionary thefreedictionary[.]com definition:
Per Capita
adj. Latin for "
by head
," meaning to be determined by the number of people.
Merriam-Webster dictionary definition:
Full Definition of
per capita
equally to each individual
per unit of population
by or for each person
[the highest income per capita of any state in the union]