JoinedPosts by Gentledawn
Maybe I'm Just Ignorant About the New "Anti-Gay" Video
by turtleturtle inhomophobia (
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.
can someone tell me, specifically, was homophobic about the new "anti-gay" wt video.
Instructions for Circuit Accounting (S-331)
by wifibandit ininstructions for circuit accounting (s-331) 6/13.
7. normal operating expenditures: normal operating expenditures include per capita contributions for use of an assembly hall, payments for other meeting facilities, and reimbursement of the special assembly day guest speaker or trav-eling overseer for travel costs or other incidental expenses incurred in connection with a circuit assembly, an assigned district convention, or a special assembly day or while teaching the pio-neer service school or moving to a new assign-ment.
such expenditures do not require a res-olution.
Circuit Accounts Servants Confesses how the SCAM WORKS!!
Yes, I too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses. I suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so. As for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?
I suspect that the society levies an expected contribution, based on attendance.
I used to be the assembly hall account overseer- and i will tell you exactly why you are ALWAYS IN THE RED-
they use some wacky formula to come up with a PER PUB RATE it varies---
when the accout overseer gets to the hall at about 6;30 7 AM on sat he meets with the assembly hall overseer who has a form ==
DAMN I SHOULD HAVE KEPT COPIES OF ALL THAT SH!T- I JUST WANTED to get the He!! out of WT when i got ready to leave= ANYWAY
It will show the number of pubs in the circuit "X" the rate let's say $11.25 per pub ( per capita )
975 pub X $11.75 = $11,450-+
and at this point before the assembly even starts
YOU ARE IN THE RED BEFORE THE DOORS EVEN OPEN with a deficit of over $11,000
Take another look at this form (courtesy of wifibandit)
Who goes about paying bills and has the throw-away expenditures (so-called worldwaidekingdom hall build donations, etc) paid for prior to their necessary ones (your electric and other utilities)? No family living on a real-life budget plans on their video game purchases and other fluff prior to taking care of their real bills.
Also, take note that the donation made is past tense, but the surplus/deficit is present tense:
2. Based on the funds available, a donation was made to the worldwide work in the amount of ______
6. Therefore, at this point we have a surplus/deficit of (difference between lines 4 and 5) _______
The donation was decided upon that same day, but they talk like the money has already been whisked away to watchtower.
Instructions for Circuit Accounting (S-331)
by wifibandit ininstructions for circuit accounting (s-331) 6/13.
7. normal operating expenditures: normal operating expenditures include per capita contributions for use of an assembly hall, payments for other meeting facilities, and reimbursement of the special assembly day guest speaker or trav-eling overseer for travel costs or other incidental expenses incurred in connection with a circuit assembly, an assigned district convention, or a special assembly day or while teaching the pio-neer service school or moving to a new assign-ment.
such expenditures do not require a res-olution.
7. Normal operating expenditures: Normal operating expenditures include per capita contributions for use of an Assembly Hall, payments for other meeting facilities, and reimbursement of the special assembly day guest speaker or trav-eling overseer for travel costs or other incidental expenses incurred in connection with a circuit assembly, an assigned district convention, or a special assembly day or while teaching the Pio-neer Service School or moving to a new assign-ment. Such expenditures do not require a res-olution. Instead, they can be approved by the assembly overseer or the assistant assembly over-seer either by signing the invoice or by providing one of the signatures on the check. An itemized list of expenses,together with receipts, should be provided.
Legal Dictionary thefreedictionary[.]com definition:Per Capita
adj. Latin for " by head ," meaning to be determined by the number of people.
Merriam-Webster dictionary definition:
Full Definition of per capita
equally to each individual
per unit of population
by or for each person [the highest income per capita of any state in the union] -
2nd amendment right ... where should it end?
by Simon inone thing i like to do to test a theory is to take things to extremes or to their logical conclusion to see if the premises still hold.
very often, a claim that seems to make sense at a superficial level falls apart when you start to stretch it a little.. so let's play a game.. suppose the 2nd amendment is valid, that some "well regulated militia" really is necessary to hold the government to account.. obviously when this was drafted the government had access to the weapons of it's day which would be muskets!
so muskets all round.
What is known is that they were attempting to steal a car and they ran from the police
Hearsay evidence. That's why the police are not judges. It was not reported anywhere that the cop confronted the kids before all parties were in their respective vehicles and the cop started ramming them with his SUV. Why no lights or sirens? Was the cop off duty and that was his privately owned vehicle, with no lights or sirens?
in this article, it states that the vehicle was "his", meaning the cop's. Does that mean it was not a police-issued one? Again, no sirens or lights? No way to know that the crazy guy behind them is an actual
The kids were not alleged to be stealing the vehicles. they were allegedly breaking into the other vehicles in order to steal items. What is known is that the cop took his SUV and rammed it into the 16yo's Dodge Charger, then shot him dead and critically wounded his passenger (head shot).
Google: Dodge Charger kid shot, this past weeks news for time frame
Here ya go:
"Although he was not in uniform and was driving his personal vehicle, Johnson repeatedly identified himself as a police officer, Livingston said."
"... as he was ramming them from behind with his personal, no lights or sirens SUV, during what was likely a decent amount of speed"
2nd amendment right ... where should it end?
by Simon inone thing i like to do to test a theory is to take things to extremes or to their logical conclusion to see if the premises still hold.
very often, a claim that seems to make sense at a superficial level falls apart when you start to stretch it a little.. so let's play a game.. suppose the 2nd amendment is valid, that some "well regulated militia" really is necessary to hold the government to account.. obviously when this was drafted the government had access to the weapons of it's day which would be muskets!
so muskets all round.
- no knock warrants exist.
- nut job (police or burgler) who crawled in through a basement window and is now heading up your stairs in the dead of night
remember: these ARE the police, not military:
"... is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States."
Woody Guthrie Ludlow Massacre :
"Refers to the violent deaths of 20 people, 11 of them children, during an attack by the Colorado National Guard on a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families in Ludlow, Colorado on April 20, 1914"
The fact that the federal govt can pick you up without arresting you (indefinite detention), no access to lawyers, no rights, whisked away to Zeus-only-knows where.
Homan square black sight in Chicago is used by police there.
Just putting all this info in one place.
For some, there is no point except to debate, other than to debate some more. Honestly, there needs to be some rollbacks on general government and police powers. The police are rolling around inside the USA, shooting people who are suspects and getting away with it. The latest were 2 kids who allegedly broke into some cars. They were driving a Dodge Challenger, owned by the 16yo victim of the police shooting. His car is likely now owned by the same police dept that shot him. Because "civil forfeiture" is a real thing. And a real problem. That kid was never under arrested or even spoke to a cop before he was shot dead. He never had his day in court. Never had his side heard before jury of his peers. Nothing.
Because the police can act like judge, jury and executioner.
That needs fixed. They need to be held to the same standards as civilians. Banks, too. Money needs pulled out of politics, both during campaign season and through perks used as payoffs (or however its done these days... likely perks, not cash).
Alan Rickman's Passing
by TipsyMangoTea inalan rickman, best known to my generation as prof. severus snape from the harry potter film franchise, has passed away due to cancer at the age of 69.. growing up with a witness mother, anything related to science fiction and fantasy was looked down upon, so, naturally, i was a rebel rebel (oh david bowie...).. just wanted to let any potterheads know the news and that even if you feel like you'll never be free of the deadly watchtower, you're not alone and there's hope.. always..
Sweeney Todd - "Pretty Women", Performed by Johnny Depp and Alan Rickman
Counsel from Bro Losch (GB Member) to the Elders about the NFL
by James Jack inwhile attending a week long training class for elders in patterson, bro losch gave the concluding talk about loyalty to the borg, which i was in awe of(i went more in detail in a recent post about a s.a.d.
where losch was the speaker).
at the end of his talk, here's what he said: .
Geoffrey Jackson (current gov bod member) used football (albeit soccer) to illustrate not standing still while the end is so close (aka "get off yer rear ends and work for free some more, ya good for nothing slaves... err, I mean "publishers" hehehe") :
Great posts Gentledawn. I will have to get a copy of Watchtower, September 1, 1987.
Yeah, it makes sense that the online pubs available through official channels only go back to the year 2000, especially when considering how wonky some teachings and claims were in previous years. This 1987 issue came out before I joined. There was another article from back then that talked about women needing to scream prior to and during being raped, or they would be DFd for fornication? Also, when researching that, there were other accounts (fictitious) of women who called on the name of Jehovah and the rapist left them alone or some clap-trap?
Weird stuff. Unbelievable.
What a creep!!! Were you suspected of wrongdoing?
At which point? As a study or after baptism? Remember, I was a full-blown adult when starting to study, not a born-in or teenager.
And even then, that would put the blame for the stalking behavior upon me (the victim).
My family tried to warn and stop me from having anything to do with these cultists. No one else in my family was caught up in any of this crap. They (JWs) twist and use scriptures to make it seem okay to turn your back on your friends, family and anyone else who would red-flag this group and ones like it.
I was torn for a long time. I never regarded my family or friends as evil, but soon even my own actions (past and present) became 'evil'. That made it easier to see "evil" at every turn, in every one else, just like seeing signs of this being the end days.
What a crock. All of it is fear-inducing malarkey, in order to make a person more easy to bend to their will.
Here's a helpful video:
The Watchtower, September 1, 1987 pages 12-15:
"One day Mary (who worked as a medical assistant) faced a dilemma. In processing medical records, she came upon information indicating that a patient, a fellow Christian, had submitted to an abortion. Did she have a Scriptural responsibility to expose this information to elders in the congregation, even though it might lead to her losing her job, to her being sued, or to her employer’s having legal problems? Or would Proverbs 11:13 justify keeping the matter concealed? This reads: "The one walking about as a slanderer is uncovering confidential talk, but the one faithful in spirit is covering over a matter."—Compare Proverbs 25:9, 10.
Mary was somewhat apprehensive about the legal aspects but felt that in this situation Bible principles should carry more weight than the requirement that she protect the privacy of the medical records. Surely the sister would not want to become resentful and try to retaliate by making trouble for her, she reasoned. So when Mary analyzed all the facts available to her, she decided conscientiously that this was a time to "speak," not to "keep quiet."
On the other hand:
Gordon Leighton: Jehovah's Witness whose child abuse was covered up by church elders is jailed
Three years those elders made the court wait for that already given confession (Yes, the molester/rapist was known as such by those men, but he was still held in higher regard than the victims).
Clergy-laity protection is what they claim, but tell people on the inside that we're all equal, that there are no class distinctions? My ass.