JoinedPosts by baldeagle
GOVERNING BODY: Thanks for nothing, you rat bastards!
by Terry inas a jehovah's witness:.
two things finally struck me:.
for now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now i know in part, but then i will know fully just as i also have been fully known.. _______________________.
The WTS leaders are truly reprehensible! -
You will never grow old in this current system of things... - Awake, May 22, 1969 p. 15
by cappytan incheck this out.
got this bound volume from my dad.. .
Great discussion and personal comments. I know so many elderly ones 80+ that have gone through all this nonsense, sacrificing everything for the WTS and they are still unwavering in their conviction that this must be the Truth. How Sad.
The newer crops of Millennials today are not as gullible and will not be as easily swayed. (Internet is readily available) Many of the teenagers today are not as willing to throw away their youth and future so quickly.
Video: How to use the site / basic navigation
by Simon inplease don't laugh - i just threw this together and didn't bother making a script first so probably repeat myself or make no sense at all at times.. hopefully it will demonstrate a few tips for using the site more effectively.. i'll do one on signing up and logging in next and also how to edit, reply etc....
Thanks Simon, much appreciated. Can someone briefly explain to me how you send a PM. I knew how to on the old site, but can't seem to find it here on the new site. I'm using IE 11 and can navigate my way around ok with most everything else.
Thank You
Who is Gog of Magog? - Watchtower May 2015
by jwleaks inhere we go again... let's study... news report... comment.... who is gog of magog mentioned in the book of ezekiel?.
for a number of years, our publications have explained that gog of magog is the name given to satan the devil after his ouster from heaven.
this explanation was based on the fact that the book of revelation identifies satan the devil as the leader of the worldwide attack on gods people.
I’m glad this new GB (2.0) is on the ball & finally cleaning up the mess left behind from the old GB that are all dead and went to heaven.
The Governing Body does not want people to download and save its monthly JW Broadcasting propaganda
by Watchtower-Free does not provide a download option for this monthly broadcast.
also it has made it difficult to download direct through other means .
here's one way that still works.
Thanks cappytan for posting those links for JW Broadcasting. You mention they are available right on the website. I’ve been on there twice now and must be missing something. I’ve searched for those links and cannot locate them. Can you or someone else, please briefly indicate where they are located on that web page if it’s not too much trouble?
Thank You
"Are you old in this system?" Feb 2015 broadcast video. Must watch
by stuckinarut2 inif you have not already watched the feb 2015 broadcast, go to approx.
it has an elderly sister talking about being old in this world...a long time pioneer who probably thought the end would have come years the society told her many times.. now she is told to be on a mission to get young ones to also pioneer, and watch for the not so subtle condemntion of higher education!.
sickening stuff........ they missed the obvious elephant in the room.... a life wasted on she has no money, and lived waiting for a fairy tale!
This elderly sister is reminiscing about her life. It’s interesting that she says to herself, “I never imagined I would be this old in this system of things. Time goes by so fast. I’m on the infirm pioneer list.” Camera next shows you her field service report of 15 min.
It’s quite clear that all the older ones born back in the 1930’s (if still alive) are feeling a tremendous amount of loss and trepidation. That sinking and horrible realization is upon them, that they will not enter Paradise in the “upright” position. I know several devout JW friends’ old timers’ who truly self-sacrificed and worked hard for the WTS. They have expressed this terrible acknowledgement; they are disheartened, confused but too heavily invested to go elsewhere. Their life is nearing its end. Truly sad, and heartrending.
But leave it to the old shameful WTS to give these older ones a purpose of encouraging young ones to forgo higher education for pioneering. This must be a huge organizational problem for the WTS leaders, that they have to constantly demonize going to college on such a regular basis. It would at least cause one to conclude that this campaign of vilifying higher education is falling on deaf ears. The relentless, unyielding disparaging remarks on extra education must clearly indicate a profound refusal from young ones in listening to any of this crap from the GB.
Musical video on JW-TV February monthly program - must see !!
by Viva la Vida inyou must see the musical video at the end of this month program (aprox.
at 1:04:30).... i don't like to use "must" but this is wow... if you think they couldn't get any lower... just be prepared...
What is happening to this religion? It gets crazier each month. It’s become embarrassing and lame. It’s really working overtime to appear relevant.
JW.ORG literature trololololly - JW broadcasting parody
by cappytan ini'm putting my video skills to good use.
enjoy, my fellow bretheren..
Hilarious well done.
Could the allowance of blood fractions be curtailing the growth of the religion?
by Apognophos inso, imagine that you're just a regular joe who's not familiar with the witnesses and is looking for the answers to life, the universe, and everything.
you hear a knock at your door.
before long, you are studying with a jehovah's witness.
WTS leaders have on a regular basis sought obedience from members by invoking the idea that a teaching or policy is formed and based on God’s divine law. Who are we to argue with God’s Laws? The laws from God are unchangeable and perfect. Divine laws on murder, adultery, fornication, uncleanness are still in effect. The laws against lying, fraud, pride, greed, lust, anger etc….are still in place and have not been revoked or changed.
So we now have the following WTS change that has already been mentioned:
WT June 15, 2000 p. 30 Questions From Readers: Do Jehovah’s Witnesses accept any medical products derived from blood?
........Should Christians accept these fractions in medical treatment? We cannot say. The Bible does not give details, so a Christian must make his own conscientious decision before God.
So in the year 2000 WTS leaders say that the, “The Bible does not give details….” But let’s go back to what the unchangeable perfect Law of God was clearly saying years earlier in regards to blood fractions.
WT September 15, 1961 pp. 558-559 pars. 16, 19
16 Is God’s law violated by such medical use of blood? Is it wrong to sustain life by infusions of blood or plasma or red cells or the various blood fractions? Yes! The law that God gave to Noah and which applies to all his descendants makes it wrong for anyone to eat blood, that is, to use the blood of another creature to nourish or sustain one’s life. Even as Tertullian in his Apology showed how the early Christians reasoned on the matter, so today it is recognized that if this prohibition applies to animal blood, it applies with even more force to human blood. It includes "any blood at all." Lev. 3:17.
19 In view of the emphasis put on the use of blood in the medical world, new treatments involving its use are constantly being recommended. But regardless of whether it is whole blood or a blood fraction, whether it is blood taken from one’s own body or that taken from someone else, whether it is administered as a transfusion or as an injection, the divine law applies.God has not given man blood to use as he might use other substances; he requires respect for the sanctity of blood.
Now this is the question to that WT study for par. 16 above & what JW’s were being taught as being a Divine Law regarding blood and Blood Fractions!!
16. Is use of blood in medical treatment to sustain life a violation of God’s law?
I showed this to a few devout JW’s. I asked them, how could something clearly stated as being against God’s Divine Law, now become a conscience matter? Things that are deemed as being in violation of God’s laws and requirements never change. Were blood fractions truly in this category? How many JW's have been negatively affected in the nearly 40 years that this view was held? As you can imagine no answers or explanations were given. They were surprised, confused and eager to leave!!
What were the calculations used to arrive at the 1874 date of Christ's return?
by Zoos inwe all know the calculations used by the wt to arrive at 1914. fall of babylon in 607 (false year), gentile times, no zero year, ta-da, 1914.. what did they use before that?
i know it wasn't russell who came up with it - he just adopted it.
i'm just curious what they had to explain away when they made the transition.. .
A lot of excellent information here. Thanks.