Steve2 I’m in full agreement with your observations and comments. In the past I have never once rejoiced with seeing anyone at all losing their job even if I didn’t like the individual. My thought was I wouldn’t like that to happen to me and would never wish the same on anyone else.
But this new round of Bethelites stood quietly by over the years watching longtime friends & co-workers get thrown into the darkness of the unknown world. They were not ever able to protest or voice any dissent. They offered up phony smiles of support and repeated typical WTS platitudes. Deep inside though they were happy THEY had dodged a bullet. And who can blame them. In one fell swoop a person leaving Bethel loses everything. They lose room and board, co-workers, their local congregation friend’s, and comfortable amenities. They had a daily routine and generally no large savings.
I have seen far too many have a very horrible and difficult time of it in the real world. Believe me it’s impossible to make up the years from say age 25 to 50. These are considered your main wage earning years where you get experience and gain seniority generally speaking. You will never get those income earning younger years back. There is no Rewind Button in life. Typically those are the years when you have good health and great energy.
This is what I said on an earlier thread. All JW’s were so confident of the special connection their leaders had with the Almighty. Do not suggest that you were ever questioning the GB! It may sound mean but I really feel zero sympathy for these JW’s in fulltime service and their delusions of grandeur.
Remember their famous go to scripture, “For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.”
So be it then, there are many fulltime servants who never remotely anticipated the year 2015 soon to be 2016 arriving & are now getting jettisoned out on their butts. Maybe Jah wasn’t such a great employer after all. They should have got a job in the public sector in Satan’s world.
As far as I’m concerned they are getting exactly what they deserve. Now go get a job and start paying for your own rent & provide for your own needs like the rest of the world.