Pete Zahut: “That proves it. JW's thrive on
being frightened, kept in the dark, having others make all the decisions and
being told what to do. It makes them feel extra virtuous and it takes all the
responsibility for the future off their shoulders.”
very true Pete. I have met many good and sincere JW’s that gave their all to
the fulltime service. I met an equal amount of smug, sanctimonious, and pompous
morons as well. We all remember the interviews ad nauseam at conventions, parading
in front of us those in various forms of fulltime work and their special
privileges in the congregation. Many from Bethel, pioneers, or CO’s would go on
and on about how Jehovah was the best employer ever. How Jah would never let us
down and toss us aside like so many worldly bosses etc. Working for God was
touted as being a special honor and for everyone in the audience to consider a
life of fulltime service. “Brothers you will have, No Regrets.” (Thunderous
a total crock of……!!! During the 1970’s, 80’s, 90’s….whenever I would try to discreetly
engage others in a group regarding a recent WT study article or assembly talk
adjustments that sounded absurd, we all remember peoples reaction. Be careful
Bro.…… “You are talking against Christs anointed brothers.” Or my favorite…… “Why
if I didn’t know better you sound almost like an apostate.”
JW’s were so confident of the special connection their leaders had with the
Almighty. Do not suggest that you were ever questioning them!! It may sound
mean but I really feel zero sympathy for these JW’s and their delusions of grandeur.
their famous go to scripture, “For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also
So be it then, many fulltime servants who never
remotely anticipated the year 2015 arriving are now getting jettisoned out on
their butts. Maybe God wasn’t such a great employer after all.
As far as I’m concerned they are getting exactly what
they deserve. Now go get a job and start paying for your own rent & provide
for your own needs like the rest of the world.
and by the way find comfort & solace from the following boastful comments:
WT September 15, 1971 p. 564 par. 22 Set Apart from
the World
22 All who seek a place in the redeemed society of
mankind thereby come into association with the happiest
people on earth—Jehovah’s witnesses. These are the only people who know for a certainty
where they are going.
WT March 1, 1988 p. 17 My Life in Jehovah’s
Spirit-Directed Organization
Indeed, in every country, Jehovah’s people are the best and the happiest!
WT March 1, 1989 p. 3 How to Identify True
Ministers of God
However, true ministers of God not only have duties
and requirements but also have many privileges. In fact, as a group,
they are the most privileged,
the most successful, and by far the happiest
group on earth today, as you will see in the next article.