JoinedPosts by baldeagle
Cut and Paste of "The List" by Prominent Bethelite of Previous Watchtower Predicted Dates
by TMS in" {watchtower sep 1 1989 12}.
" {tiah 240-1, also references in wr oct 1879 3941, tkic 84}.
'" {zions watchtower mar 1880 repr 82}.
Awesome information. Thank you for posting. -
JT & Lady Cee Why we left the Jehovah's Witnesses - Part 1
by JT-LadyC inmany years ago, my husband and i appeared on the board that was known as h20 aka simon's site.
it has been a while since we have posted anything, so i guess i can say that this is like coming out of retirement.
Thanks for a great video. It was reasonably presented.
"And Your Little Dog Too...." WTS not content with taking kids' ice cream money, now they want them to give up their puppy dogs too.
by sir82 indon't know if anyone else caught this subtle but malicious photo from the 12/13/15 wt study article.. not sure how to post pictures here, but the photo is on the website's copy of the article, just below paragraph 12:.
note the 3 pictures in sequence tell a "story":.
This religion is shameless. It truly has gone off the rails and becoming crazier by the day. Now that I'm out, I'm kind of looking forward to what the year 2016 will bring. But I wish I could get my last 35 years back, what a tremendous waste of time and energy. Shame on me!!! Why didn't I wake up sooner?
Samuel Herd: a woman saying "if she were a man....." is borderline being a homosexual
by Khaleesi innot sure if this was posted before... but apparently for the wt a woman's smaller cranium than a man's shows she was designed to be in submission to the man!!
unbelievable he dared to say such things!.
Great references, but unbelievable how crazy. Thanks. -
Watchtower Dishonesty
by Vanderhoven7 injust re-discovered this gem:.
"it is a matter of fact that the history of the watchtower society is riddled with failed date-setting and abandoned doctrine,1 and the society has gone to great lengths to hide this past from its members.
older (incriminating) watchtower publications are virtually impossible to obtain through the society,2 while at the same time members are overwhelmed with "current" watchtower material.. the watchtower society has even gone as far as to publish disinformation about its own history in an attempt to convince readers that watchtower doctrine has remained consistent over the years, and that the society is not a false prophet.
Vanderhoven7 - thanks for all the references. Much appreciated. -
Kenneth Flodin: ‘This Generation Will ... Not Pass Away’ (Matt. 24:34)
by wifibandit in
When he talks about some speculating that a 40+ year old anointed in say 1990 could well live into his 80’s he says, “Does that mean that this old system could continue until 2040?” He continues on saying that the Bible and Jesus make no mention that the 2nd group of anointed brothers have to be “old, decrepit or near death.” He says that the prophecy makes no reference to age.
WT 2014 1/15 p. 31 par. 16 “Let Your Kingdom Come”—But When?
16 The second group included in “this generation” are anointed contemporaries of the first group. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke. Today, those in this second group are themselves advancing in years. Yet, Jesus’ words at Matthew 24:34 give us confidence that at least some of “this generation will by no means pass away” before seeing the start of the great tribulation. This should add to our conviction that little time remains before the King of God’s Kingdom acts to destroy the wicked and usher in a righteous new world.—2 Pet. 3:13.
So the video categorically states that the prophecy makes no reference to age, and then they make reference to age in the above magazine.
The WTS is trying to emphasize that the second group are generally quite elderly “advanced in years” today, in fact right now, no need to wait for 2040. In so doing; this should stress the nearness of Armageddon now since those in the 2nd group are already old. But remember “there’s no reference to age.”
Lame and embarrassing video indeed.
First thoughts on "new" meeting...
by konceptual99 inhad a quick look at the workbook and flicked through the sample meeting video.. the increased use of video shows the trend for more centralised dissemination of "best practice" .
sure there isn't really a "school" any more and the format is a bit different but i think those that called it as the same old crap just in new package got it pretty much right.
RULES & REGULATIONS: ……There is no reasoning or thinking abilities at this meeting. Everything is boring, structured, and your brain is left at the door.
WTH has happened to this religion? That “sample meeting video” is truly lame. This will bore people just as much as the old style mid-week meeting. People will “zone out” just as quickly as before as they look at their corny artwork in the workbook. Videos seem to inundate the program during each month, a good time to catch some z’s. I’m shocked at how weak in substance the meetings have become since I became inactive over five years ago. Imagine bringing a neighbour or a study to something as underwhelming as this? This is the best they can come up with to rejuvenate interest in meetings? Again WTH has happened to this religion?
Bethel Layoff Notices arrive under Bethellite doors
by Quarterback injust heard from a reliable source that some at the canadian branch have received their lay-off notices under their doors at bethel.
don't know what the letter looks like.
probably something like, " the tribe has spoken, bring us your torches"
berrygerry: Any speculation as to why they were laid off?
None was given. No wrongdoing or problems. Many of their friends were shocked as these two were a model JW couple. Their services were simply no longer required and it appeared they got the short straw. Many I knew then were happy it didn’t happen to them at the time. This long-time Bethel couple left in good standing with a fine recommendation.
Bethel Layoff Notices arrive under Bethellite doors
by Quarterback injust heard from a reliable source that some at the canadian branch have received their lay-off notices under their doors at bethel.
don't know what the letter looks like.
probably something like, " the tribe has spoken, bring us your torches"
The last time a layoff occurred at the Canada branch in Georgetown was around 2007/08?? I knew two couples that were told they were being let go. The couples were informed that they were no longer required. They were given two choices. We (the branch) say you are gone or you can choose to leave voluntarily. Both couples chose to leave voluntarily in order to save face.
One couple was in their mid-40’s. The second couple the brother had been there 26 years since his early 20’s and was an extremely loyal, submissive loving member of the family. He had gotten married while in Bethel with his wife joining him there. He never knew married life outside of the institution and was definitely a lifer. He was often described as being a “Poster Child” for Bethel recruitment. He and his wife were always exemplary in their conduct protecting the Bethel image. They were 50 years old when they were laid off.
I could have picked a dozen others that deserved the boot and were less likely known as the so-called squeaky clean Bethelites. If this information is true maybe they won’t dodge the bullet this time.