JoinedPosts by baldeagle
the beautiful Towers hotel now for sale
by neat blue dog inits a gorgeous building, and you should see the commercial they made for it..
the commercial video, as well as the cool 360° vr views are available on the home page of.
This religion is truly a mess!!! -
45 Minute Bethel Video about Changes (downsizing) at Watchtower
by OnTheWayOut ini don't see this posted elsewhere, and i don't have the links besides this facebook one.. but here is a 45-minute long bethel talk about the changes at bethel including addressing the hard feelings of people who were given the axe.
basically, everything must change.
we gave remaining bethelites saturday off to do our bidding in "the field" and we give bethelites over 70 an extra day a week off (if you can find any such bethelites).
I have met many good and sincere JW’s that gave their all to the fulltime service. I met an equal amount of smug, sanctimonious, and pompous morons as well. We all remember the interviews ad nauseam at conventions, parading in front of us those in various forms of fulltime work and their special privileges in the congregation. Many from Bethel would go on and on about how Jehovah was the best employer ever. How Jah would never let them down and toss them aside like so many “worldly bosses” etc. Working for God was touted as being a special honor and everyone in the audience was asked to prayerfully consider making Bethel service a personal lifetime goal. “Remember, Brothers… will have…..No Regrets.” (Cue the Thunderous applause!!)
It may sound mean but I really feel zero sympathy for these Bethelites and their delusions of grandeur.
They applied voluntarily and happily (no gun to their head). Many even applied numerous times before they got accepted.
So be it then, many fulltime servants who never remotely anticipated the year 2016 arriving are now getting jettisoned out on their butts. Maybe God wasn’t such a great employer after all. This is what happens when you give up all authority over your life to a manmade religion. How can you unconditionally hand yourself over, including all intellectual thoughts and reasoning skills, to an imperfect institution and then have no recourse?
As they walk out the front door for the last time they can reminisce on these happy thoughts:
WT March 1, 1988 p. 17 My Life in Jehovah’s Spirit-Directed Organization
Indeed, in every country, Jehovah’s people are the best and the happiest!
WT March 1, 1989 p. 3 How to Identify True Ministers of God
However, true ministers of God not only have duties and requirements but also have many privileges. In fact, as a group, they are the most privileged, the most successful, and by far the happiest group on earth today, as you will see in the next article.
As far as I’m concerned they are getting exactly what they deserve. Now go get a job and start paying for your own rent & provide for your own needs like the rest of the world. After all they did have..... ”The Best Life Ever.”
P.S. – This talk seems to indicate that, “evidently” the bloodletting is not over yet. There may always be more necessary changes in Jah’s organization in the future.
The Big House Forced Exodus
by ttdtt inlong video i guess addressing the many hard feelings of people getting the axe at brooklyn and other facilities.. the gist is - thanks for your help, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
or scripturally saying - "keep warm and well fed"p.s.
they are admitting that the are letting older ones go..
I have met many good and sincere JW’s that gave their all to the fulltime service. I met an equal amount of smug, sanctimonious, and pompous morons as well. We all remember the interviews ad nauseam at conventions, parading in front of us those in various forms of fulltime work and their special privileges in the congregation.
Many from Bethel would go on and on about how Jehovah was the best employer ever. How Jah would never let them down and toss them aside like so many “worldly bosses” etc. Working for God was touted as being a special honor and everyone in the audience was asked to prayerfully consider making Bethel service a personal lifetime goal. “Remember, Brothers… will have…..No Regrets.” (Cue the Thunderous applause!!)
It may sound mean but I really feel zero sympathy for these Bethelites and their delusions of grandeur.
They applied voluntarily and happily (no gun to their head). Many even applied numerous times before they got accepted.
So be it then, many fulltime servants who never remotely anticipated the year 2016 arriving are now getting jettisoned out on their butts. Maybe God wasn’t such a great employer after all. This is what happens when you give up all authority over your life to a manmade religion. How can you unconditionally hand yourself over, including all intellectual thoughts and reasoning skills, to an imperfect institution and then have no recourse?
As they walk out the front door for the last time they can reminisce on these happy thoughts:
WT March 1, 1988 p. 17 My Life in Jehovah’s Spirit-Directed Organization
Indeed, in every country, Jehovah’s people are the best and the happiest!
WT March 1, 1989 p. 3 How to Identify True Ministers of God
However, true ministers of God not only have duties and requirements but also have many privileges. In fact, as a group, they are the most privileged, the most successful, and by far the happiest group on earth today, as you will see in the next article.
As far as I’m concerned they are getting exactly what they deserve. Now go get a job and start paying for your own rent & provide for your own needs like the rest of the world. After all they did have..... ”The Best Life Ever.”
P.S. – This talk seems to indicate that, “evidently” the bloodletting is not over yet. There may always be more necessary changes in Jah’s organization in the future.
My brother died last night
by LisaRose ini found out this morning that my brother died last night, he was also an ex jw, 73 years old and died of heart disease and kidney failure.
it was not totally unexpected, as he had been in poor health, but it's a blow, especially as i just lost another brother two years ago.
there were six of us, now only four.
My sincerest condolences, LisaRose. Thinking of you at this sad time.
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up....
Thank you wifibandit. Truly sad delusional people. -
Another generation....
by joey jojo init has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
How in blazes did we believe all this crap? -
PAINTING THEMSELVES INTO A CORNER or WHY was the "GENERATION" teaching started in the 1st place?
by Terry insetting the scene.
pastor russell died in 1916. those who had 'followed' him were known pejoratively as russellites.
you could call it a 'cult of personality' if you wanted to sneer.
Great references Terry, very easy to follow. -
Your feelings for the former travelling overseers
by Hecce induring our wt life we met a good number of friends involved in the circuit and district work.
i am sure that we share the same experience and that we remember fondly some that we caring, loving and generally interested in the brothers.
at the same time we might remember others that were arrogant, selfish, abusive and oppressive.
LisaRose: “From my reading of many posts over the years, it appears that the higher up you went in the organization the more you were exposed to the scheming, cover ups and manipulations, therefore anyone that high up undoubtedly knew there were huge problems in the organization, but chose to say nothing, instead contributing to the lies and cover-ups, simply to maintain their status in the organization. How many were unfairly disfellowshipped on their watch? How much child sexual abuse did they cover up? How much were they aware of the suicide risks? What lies did they knowingly tell? So, no, I do not feel sorry for them.”
Touché LisaRose so eloquently summed up.
Some might remember a long time DO, Wayne Johnson one arrogant, egotistical, piece of work. Never saw him crack a smile a total “company man.” He sure liked to strut around the assembly hall. All his ass kissing minions would capitulate to his every command.
Also a CO named Jack Brodie old school type wanted everyone to agree no matter what he said. He had a bully like attitude. Don’t know where these two are today.
Good riddance to them all. They are all getting just what they deserve. No sympathy from me.
The Watchtower Letters
by NeonMadman inseveral years ago, i put together a compilation of various types of correspondence between me and the watchtower society, that occurred over the 30 years i was a jw.
some was just administrative stuff, like pioneer appointments and letters.
but there were also several letters that i wrote regarding doctrinal issues, including some sensitive ones.
Thanks, that was interesting reading material. -
2016-2-9-BOE--Screens for Video Playback!
by Atlantis supply of screens for video playback at kingdom halls.!
This GB is really pushing their luck in the local congregations. Many JW’s struggle just to make ends meet. I hope this makes the flock wake up more and more. I also hope it comes back to bite the GB for their brazen and smug attitude.