Excellent comments and observations by everyone on this subject.
How this lame religion can still have over 8 million members, I'll never understand it.
videos from the summer jw conventions ("be courageous) show the "urgency" about the end racheted up several notches.
paranoia rules supreme!.
curiously, though, very few, if any, statements in the convention program about 1914 and the overlapping generations.
Excellent comments and observations by everyone on this subject.
How this lame religion can still have over 8 million members, I'll never understand it.
in a new "must read" article, a former jw hlc committee chairman explains why blood components are the real issue, and the terrible price paid to learn this important lesson.. http://ajwrb.org/components-of-blood-are-the-issue.
Many members here including myself were hoping that by now the entire blood doctrine would have become a personal conscience matter. Sadly, it appears that this will never happen.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5] https://youtu.be/g08tw2v3b4s.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5] https://youtu.be/rpceb5v0vbe.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5] https://youtu.be/2xa08ukc_6i.
Why are they planning for years ahead when Armageddon is any day now? They cover and protect themselves by admitting to having a 5-year real estate forecast and a 5-year construction forecast. They also state that the treasurer’s office does a 5-year available cash forecast.
Meanwhile they tell their followers if they worry about saving money for their old age, or investing, or wanting a higher education, it demonstrates an obvious lack of faith in the ability or power of God to provide and sustain us. It also shows that we have lost our sense of urgency as to the nearness of the end.
This religion is truly rife with deceit, lies and harmful advice that have negatively affected innumerable kind and sincere individuals over many decades. This religion has to go!
i haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
The A&E program was very well done and accurate. It was done with respect without bashing anyone or maligning any particular person. This will give it a more general appeal especially active JWs that might watch it.
I would imagine all of this is very unsettling for the leadership. They value their appearance and reputation so much.
One thing from all of this is that it will warn non-JWs in the territory that this religion is not some innocuous group of people coming to your front door.
the star has a previous first-look production deal with the network to produce unscripted series following the success of her emmy-winning show “leah remini: scientology and the aftermath.” according to the hollywood reporter, remini will produce a special for the network during the break following season 3 of the acclaimed docuseries.. it notes that jehovah’s witnesses, while based on biblical teachings, have come under fire over the years for similar practices to the church remini left years ago.
for example, practices of ousting or shunning members who have dissenting views, a blanket refusal to participate in politics and government as well as not celebrating christmas or birthdays are all things that the special will reportedly cover.
additionally, the religion has predicted the literal end of the world several times, obviously to no avail.. .
In recent episodes of JW broadcasting, the GB appears tired, drained and stressed out.
It’s no wonder with all that is happening… ARC… Russia… UK… Canadian lawsuit… Netherlands… W5… unrelenting activism on YouTube etc., etc. They’re constantly under attack from all levels.
I’m still waiting for that watershed event that will finally expose this religion’s harmful policies for all to see.
As the saying goes, “The chickens have come home to roost.”
at least three media venues have undertaken the daunting task of unpacking the insidious dark side of jehovah's witnesses' organization.1.
douglas quenqua is a writer based in new york.
his work has appeared in the new york times, wired, redbook, and cnbc.
As the saying goes, “The chickens have come home to roost.”
i am shaking all over right now.
i think it's worse that the bunker video.. i used to think there was no way that these people would actually "drink the cool aid" if you get my drift, but seeing this video i am now not sure it could never happen.. having a wife who i love dearly trapped in this cult is really freaking me out right now...
While it is quite disturbing and very emotionally manipulative, it underscores that the WT leaders are having extreme difficulty in keeping members engaged and active anymore.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
well, i got to see the final day of this years regional convention.and i saw something that disturbs me.. the final, "summing up review" video.
it disturbs me because it was so well done.
(i wish i could remember the title of the song), to the strains of a solo vocalist singing in a fine "irish tenor", we see the actors from the previous videos of the last few days all assembling together in a clearing.
While it is quite disturbing and very emotionally manipulative, it underscores that the WT leaders are having extreme difficulty in keeping members engaged and active anymore.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
for what it's worth:.
tell us a little about yourself and your family.. i am one of 7 children in my family, three boys, three girls and me.
yes, i'm right in the middle, and i'm the pink sheep of the family (or at least the official one).
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your freedom.
i remember when that came out, my mother didn't catch it in the original article in the wt.
it was in one of the review "do you remember" thingies that she caught it.
she asked me if it means what she thought it meant.
The retooling of the “generation” teaching in 1995, 81 years after 1914 was a red flag. This was a benchmark teaching that many Witnesses used to make crucial life-altering decisions. It was simply torpedoed out of existence and replaced. My lingering doubts were now crystalized that the leaders of this religion were clearly fabricating their doctrines. As the years and decades marched on with no end in sight, they were using a piecemeal approach to make modifications.
Regrettably, I remained active until the nonsensical teaching in 2010 that two groups of anointed from 1914, overlap to make up a continuous generation. I knew it was all a falsehood 15 years earlier, what was I thinking? Aside from the obvious fear of losing your entire family and social network in a heartbeat, something else is at play in the JW mindset.
It’s what is called herd mentality. This is defined as, “The inability or refusal to listen to one's own instinct or 'gut feeling' but to instead follow the majority for fear of being wrong, ostracized or ridiculed.”
While we are nurturing doubts, we feel guilty when we observe our fellow congregants and their apparent faithful lifestyle. We are surrounded by pioneers, elders, servants, CO’s and Bethelites etc. We go to large conventions and see literally thousands of people, many that we respect and admire that tirelessly soldier on in their JW activities. We wonder could all these families be duped and I’m right. On the other hand, could I be the one that is seeing things incorrectly?
Therefore, the direct anxiety of being shunned along with the “herd mentality” literally causes many years or even decades to go by, before we can break free from the grip this religion has on people.
The GB leadership whether today or 80 years ago has a lot to answer for; they have indeed ruined a countless number of lives of people who were mostly sincere and believed they were doing God’s will.