JoinedPosts by baldeagle
Funny ex-jw memes
by Apostate Anonymous inbackstory:.
so my born-in cousin who recently left the org is looking to start an ex-jw / group instagram based in socal.
he asked me if i had any ideas for a photo that can used for the instagram page and this is what i made for him:.
Circuit Overseer's Outlines
by AverageJoe1 inhere's the outlines in english and spanish, grouped together in order for september 2018-february 2019.. english:
as per usual, these links will expire in 7 days from the date of this post so get them whilst they're hot!.
Thank you AverageJoe1, much appreciated.
The bridge
by truthwillsetyoufree inso my father, who is an active jehovah’s witness, told me yesterday of an experience currently doing its rounds amongst the witnesses in relation to cart witnessing.
there is a bridge called ‘the bridge’ which is a well known place for people committing suicide.
apparently the jws have been setting up there literature carts there for a while now and ever since they have there has been no more suicide attempts from the bridge.
If the JWs are circulating this story, it MUST be true. Lame, silly and desperate followers always seeking some validation for their existence and ministry, simply hilarious.
French & English | Assembly Testimony The Father of Eloise Dupuis
by Not_Culty in
The leaders of this organization will be held accountable and are truly despicable and shameless. This father is being praised and applauded as a hero among JW’s because he lost his daughter to his twisted faith.
This religion is pure evil; it needs to learn a hard lesson. I hope to live long enough to see retribution against the GB.
Youth and Spiritual Goals in this week's WT study (Are you F-ing kidding me?)
by TerryWalstrom ini regret following the wrong goals when i was a young person.
such as?such as spending a hundred hours a month of my precious youth rapping my unwrinkled knuckles on doors and waving soon-to-be-obsolete religious messages in front of aghast householders.such as spending my 20th, 21st, and part of my 22nd years in prison imagining anything useful was happening or that i was pleasing the big guy in the sky.such as taking a crappy job as a janitor and trying to support my family on beans and rice while i peddled cult materials, arguing with people who were better educated about fantasy scenarios i was brainwashed into parroting.such as making excuses for my depressing existence for my empty feeling of constant depression by consoling myself that soon billions of people would be annihilated--except for me and those i was able to convince to waste their time too.thanks, watchtower for twenty years of dry rot for my brain, a jehovah sized hole in my heart, and a great big "thank you" in the form of shunning from all my wonderful spiritual brothers and sisters for all my efforts.sure am i glad i didn't "waste" my youth on education, career, lifelong friends, and (gasp) fun!i was 12 years old when i was introduced to the watchtower and the kingdom hall.23 years later, i walked out a free man.the emotional damage took decades to reconcile.i'm 71 and i'd be thrilled to have those 23 years back!the watchtower is one of the most insidious time-devouring organizations on our planet.thanks for nothing!____________________the above is in answer to:.
this week's wt-study:.
All your observations are spot on Terry. The majority of JWs in their 50s and over that participated in some form of full-time service in their youth are now a tired, frustrated unhappy bunch. They are now nervously worrying about their finances and personal health issues. They kind of got a “deer in the headlights look” as they contemplate the fact that the “end” never came to solve all their problems. They just unexpectedly got old like everyone else alive before them but never prepared for it.
Watch: Jehovah's Witnesses official says to destroy records because
by Tahoe in'satan's coming after us'.
screenshot from video.
shawn bartlett, the records management overseer for the jehovah’s witnesses, explains the organization’s new record-keeping policies during a 2017 seminar in britain.
Satan is coming for us. Destroy all the evidence! Saying, "Satan is coming after us" is the same as WT leaders saying they are right and all of today's governmental agencies are all wrong including the countless victims coming forward.
This religion really needs to learn a hard lesson. It is clear that money is their primary motivator.
The internet has become a logistical nightmare for this micromanaging and secretive religion, which has as its primary concern appearance over substance.
The WT leaders are keenly aware that the “genie is out of the bottle” forever. Expect more spin and damage control from now on!
Drop Off in Mentioning 1914
by steve2 invideos from the summer jw conventions ("be courageous) show the "urgency" about the end racheted up several notches.
paranoia rules supreme!.
curiously, though, very few, if any, statements in the convention program about 1914 and the overlapping generations.
Excellent comments and observations by everyone on this subject.
How this lame religion can still have over 8 million members, I'll never understand it.
Blood Componenets Are The Issue
by Lee Elder inin a new "must read" article, a former jw hlc committee chairman explains why blood components are the real issue, and the terrible price paid to learn this important lesson..
Many members here including myself were hoping that by now the entire blood doctrine would have become a personal conscience matter. Sadly, it appears that this will never happen.
LEAKED: WHQ Accounts: 2016-2020 Budget
by Fay Dehr inleaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
Why are they planning for years ahead when Armageddon is any day now? They cover and protect themselves by admitting to having a 5-year real estate forecast and a 5-year construction forecast. They also state that the treasurer’s office does a 5-year available cash forecast.
Meanwhile they tell their followers if they worry about saving money for their old age, or investing, or wanting a higher education, it demonstrates an obvious lack of faith in the ability or power of God to provide and sustain us. It also shows that we have lost our sense of urgency as to the nearness of the end.
This religion is truly rife with deceit, lies and harmful advice that have negatively affected innumerable kind and sincere individuals over many decades. This religion has to go!
A&E - Cults and Extreme Belief - Jehovah's Witnesses
by Incognito ini haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
The A&E program was very well done and accurate. It was done with respect without bashing anyone or maligning any particular person. This will give it a more general appeal especially active JWs that might watch it.
I would imagine all of this is very unsettling for the leadership. They value their appearance and reputation so much.
One thing from all of this is that it will warn non-JWs in the territory that this religion is not some innocuous group of people coming to your front door.