Thanks Atlantis, download went well.
All The Best In The New Year,
Kind Regards,
new talk outlines you might want.. no.
24 have you found a “pearl of high value”?no.
25 resist the spirit of the world!no.
Thanks Atlantis, download went well.
All The Best In The New Year,
Kind Regards,
today there is a lot of hope placed in a vaccines to immunise against covid 19 , and relief that they are soon to be available.
that will be shared by the eight million or so jws in this world.
they should be thankful that the wts has moved away from its teaching ,that lasted for decades , proclaiming that vaccination was wrong, and a tool of satan.
Flip-Flop Article in the - WT 1952 Dec 15, p. 764 Questions From Readers
vaccination a violation of God’s law forbidding the taking of blood into the
The matter of vaccination is one for the individual that has to face it to decide for himself. Each individual has to take the consequences for whatever position and action he takes toward a case of compulsory vaccination, doing so according to his own conscience and his appreciation of what is for good health and the interests of advancing God’s work. And our Society cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out.
After consideration of the matter, it does not appear to us to be in violation of the everlasting covenant made with Noah, as set down in Genesis 9:4, nor contrary to God’s related commandment at Leviticus 17:10-14. Most certainly it cannot reasonably or Scripturally be argued and proved that, by being vaccinated, the inoculated person is either eating or drinking blood and consuming it as food or receiving a blood transfusion. Vaccination does not bear any relationship to or any likeness to the intermarriage of angelic “sons of God” with the daughters of men, as described in Genesis 6:1-4. Neither can it be put in the same class as described at Leviticus 18:23, 24, which forbids the mingling of humans with animals. It has nothing to do with sex relations.
Hence all objection to vaccination on Scriptural grounds seems to be lacking… Medical science, in fact, claims that vaccination actually results in building up the vitality of the blood to resist the disease against which the person is inoculated. But, of course, that is a question for each individual concerned to decide for himself and as he sees it to be Jehovah’s will for him. We merely offer the above information on request, but can assume no responsibility for the decision and course the reader may take.
2020-10--publications approved for discard.. .
reply below and i'll meet you back at the pm breakroom for coffee and a link.. .
Please PM me.
Thank you as always.
Cheers & Stay Safe,
do you think they feel bad for us!
envy us or basically don’t give a 💩?
The rank and file are told that we have left:
1. Because we are living a double life and hiding a secret sin creating guilt in us personally.
2. Because we have been overwhelmed by all the pressures & anxieties of this world, causing us to work more & miss meetings etc.
3. Have been offended and hurt by someone in the congregation & are unwilling to forgive.
The blame is always on the individual who has left… it is THEY that have the problem. It’s never about having done personal research & discovering all the lies and failed predictions of this religion. It’s never about the Australian Royal Commission & all the other countries revealing the WT’s mishandling and cover-ups of child sex abuse cases. It’s never about the complete lunacy of the overlapping generation teaching clearly indicating that the leaders are simply making things up and will never humbly apologize & admit that they simply DON'T KNOW what some scriptures in the Bible mean.
No, but rather it’s always
a defect or bad attitude in the person who has chosen to walk away.
2020-october-12th.. re: 2020 year end report.
reply below for the link and a milkshake back in the pm section..
Please PM me.
Thank you as always.
Cheers & Stay Safe,
2020-11-09 donation announcement.. .
donations in support of kingdom interests worldwide.. .
reply below and i'll swing by your pm box with a link.. .
Please PM me.
Thank you as always.
Cheers & Stay Safe,
2020-10--letter writing templates manual.
91 pages.
2020-10-01--donation arrangement--pre-authorized debit.
Please PM me.
Thank you as always.
Cheers & Stay Safe,
i guess the full time servants will have to fend for themselves or rely on publishers to care for them.
------------------------------------for special full-time servants in the field in the united states branch territory1.
necessary personal needs: it is preferred that you and your mate (if married) continue to care for your personal needs yourself.
Please PM me.
Thank you as always.
2020-10-02--remote volunteers and expert computer programmers needed.. .
reply below if you want me to ride my bike over to your place.. petra!
Please PM me.
Thank you as always.
new--2020-october--shepherd the flock of god--elder manual.
new--2020-october--addendum to elder manual.
2020--october-s-147-e--announcements and reminders.
Please PM me.
Thank you as always.