This September’s broadcasting is clearly showing the general resistance to this asinine teaching launched back in 2010. That’s when I finally had enough and faded completely off the radar never to engage in another JW religious function. Unfortunately my wife still attends. Do I have any regrets? Definitely, I wish I had woken up years earlier like back in 1995 at least, when “this generation” got its first major overhaul.
Here they are again trying to explain how; "the overlapping generation" has to involve "two groups of anointed Christians." These two groups must be "anointed contemporaries" of each other. Also understood are those, "in this second group are themselves advancing in years."
The WTS is trying to emphasize that the second group are quite elderly “advanced in years” in so doing; this should stress the nearness of Armageddon. They have basically gone back to their original idea that these anointed ones are getting old, and will not “pass away before seeing the start of the great tribulation.” This should instill a sense of urgency for JW’s that “little time remains.” It’s the same old doctrine just incorporating or allowing another generation to piggyback on it. It’s all made-up, designed to keep JW’s on the edge believing that the end is “just around the corner.”
Their being locked into the year 1914 is causing all this insanity in trying to teach a doctrine that makes no sense. In time they will just piggyback a third group onto the first two when this teaching becomes untenable.