I have met many good and sincere JW’s that gave their all to the fulltime service. I met an equal amount of smug, sanctimonious, and pompous morons as well. We all remember the interviews ad nauseam at conventions, parading in front of us those in various forms of fulltime work and their special privileges in the congregation.
Many from Bethel would go on and on about how Jehovah was the best employer ever. How Jah would never let them down and toss them aside like so many “worldly bosses” etc. Working for God was touted as being a special honor and everyone in the audience was asked to prayerfully consider making Bethel service a personal lifetime goal. “Remember, Brothers…..you will have…..No Regrets.” (Cue the Thunderous applause!!)
It may sound mean but I really feel zero sympathy for these Bethelites and their delusions of grandeur.
They applied voluntarily and happily (no gun to their head). Many even applied numerous times before they got accepted.
So be it then, many fulltime servants who never remotely anticipated the year 2016 arriving are now getting jettisoned out on their butts. Maybe God wasn’t such a great employer after all. This is what happens when you give up all authority over your life to a manmade religion. How can you unconditionally hand yourself over, including all intellectual thoughts and reasoning skills, to an imperfect institution and then have no recourse?
As they walk out the front door for the last time they can reminisce on these happy thoughts:
WT March 1, 1988 p. 17 My Life in Jehovah’s Spirit-Directed Organization
Indeed, in every country, Jehovah’s people are the best and the happiest!
WT March 1, 1989 p. 3 How to Identify True Ministers of God
However, true ministers of God not only have duties and requirements but also have many privileges. In fact, as a group, they are the most privileged, the most successful, and by far the happiest group on earth today, as you will see in the next article.
As far as I’m concerned they are getting exactly what they deserve. Now go get a job and start paying for your own rent & provide for your own needs like the rest of the world. After all they did have..... ”The Best Life Ever.”
P.S. – This talk seems to indicate that, “evidently” the bloodletting is not over yet. There may always be more necessary changes in Jah’s organization in the future.