Thanks Atlantis, much appreciated as always.
just in case anybody needed this.. 2018 branch organization manual.
Thanks Atlantis, much appreciated as always.
single zipped folder
2019-02-02-musical preludes
s-21-e congregation's publisher record (2018-12).pdf
Thanks Atlantis, your hard work is much appreciated.
blondie’s first thoughts wt study on 2/3/2019 (november 2018, pages 23-27(jehovah’s thoughts).
excellent general website: .
Thank you Blondie your hard work is always appreciated.
and what a heaping nonsensical freddie franz like bunch of crap.
as i told my pimi brother.
it's all based on assumptions and assertions that the ezekiel gog of magog account has a 2nd fulfillment in our day.
and what a heaping nonsensical freddie franz like bunch of crap.
as i told my pimi brother.
it's all based on assumptions and assertions that the ezekiel gog of magog account has a 2nd fulfillment in our day.
this is the announcement we have heard “about” but now it has been released to the whole world.
its in the 2nd of a three part serries about the jw annual meeting (oct 2018).
to minute 52. .
The talk was quite lame. Talking about Russia while decades ago we would call it the Soviet Union… so old light has come back as new light. When he talked about the cry of peace and security and destruction of Babylon the Great, he chose his words carefully being non-specific. He talked more in circles and generalities saying we’ll know it when we see prophecy taking place or after it takes place. Wow, now that’s a brilliant statement so much for being God’s spokesperson.
........back in 1949!.
w50 3/15 p. 96 letters - "jesus held many public lectures, but there is no record that he opened or closed any of them with prayer....surely those of the public who are not of the christian faith do not turn out to our meetings in order to join with us in prayer to our god, but solely to hear the speech which is the drawing feature.
so we give them that and do not think to impose upon them by attaching something else to the lecture which might offend or stumble them before they hear the speech they came for.
Learn something new every day. I just looked it up on the 2014 WT Library CD and there it was March 15, 1950.
watchtower's apparent obsession with calendar dates is legendary.
what follow's are snippets from the main article.
link will follow.. .
Great work FatFreek 2005, much appreciated.
nice to review how one of the "faithful snakes" slithered when he was captive to being questioned.. at 40 seconds, he is asked to swear an oath - and he swears on the bible.
obviously jesus' words slipped his mind: matthew 5:34-37 - "however, i say to you: do not swear at all, neither by heaven.....nor by earth,.... just let your word ‘yes’ mean yes, your ‘no,’ no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one.
Thanks Fall Guy, much appreciated.
2019 literature requests inventory guidelines. 2019-assignment to view the special talk 2019-announcements and reminders!
Thanks, Atlantis.