TWM now lets address the topic.--
You are right I cannot Prove that there is no god. I certainly have not examined the teachings of every god that man has worshipped over time.
But if there is a god who requires that you believe in him for salvation ( whatever that means to you) , why not give some compelling evidence to mankind, or screw mankind why not give some compelling evidence to me I have certainly given an honest effort searching. He allegedly gave us the Bible but the Bible doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Garden of eden, flood. 40 years wandering in the dessert. The list goes on. Even if science has been deceived by the devil why were the people that lived thousands of years ago allowed to see miracles and tangeble evidence of god but we must rely on faith alone. It's backwards there understanding of the world would have been more likely to let faith be their guide. Surely god knew that science would say that man was far older then eden. That the animals we have today couldn't be here from a worldwide flood just a few thousand years ago. He knew that there would be no evidence of hundreds of thousands of people lost in the desert for 40 years. And whether or not science is right or the devil is blinding mans eyes, why do ancient people get to see god and we don't.
is that perfect justice, wisdom, and power , above all is that perfect love?
So yes I am an Athiest. I don't have to prove that there is no god to you or anyone. If some philosopher wants to analyze my thought process and say it is flawed so be it but I gave it a fair try I dedicated my life to the search for evidence of god for 40+ years and what I got was cut off from most of my family for questioning something that even the leaders can't supply answers to.