Me too!!
JoinedPosts by Brainfloss
Venting: I absolutly dispise the JW religion with all my heart
by goingthruthemotions ini absolutly hate the jw religion.
i hate the fact that my wife whom i love with all my heart is so brainwashed by them.
i hate them pos's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Brainfloss infor years much of my family has shunned me and my brother who left the craziness behind long ago.
thirty or more years in fact for him and officially more than 15 for me although i was never a shunner.
but i have noticed that the hover like vultures waiting to contact us for information when we or others they deem not worthy of their association become ill or die.
For years much of my family has shunned me and my brother who left the craziness behind long ago. Thirty or more years in fact for him and officially more than 15 for me although I was never a shunner.
But I have noticed that the hover like vultures waiting to contact us for information when we or others they deem not worthy of their association become ill or die. I haven’t heard from them at all in two possibly three years, now my shunned brother has become ill and they have got wind of it somehow. My phone is full of texts and voicemails looking for information on the matter ha! VULTURES I say. Shun me? Little do they know I have been shunning them for years. Tonight I told them exactly that. They say we love you guys. I told them they don’t act like it and that if they would like to make contact a more appropriate time would be after we pass this current trial. NO MORE INFORMATION to make you feel better after years of shunning. Love us? Then act like it or stay forever away.
Atheism = self defeating.
by towerwatchman inatheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
TWM asks
Allow me to ask this question. The wrong that you experienced, was that a logical outworking of what Jesus taught, or was it contrary to Jesus’ teachings? Judge a movement by its originator, not its followers. Some followers will always abuse in order to control. That is human nature, especially in religious matters gone wrong. I have been burned once also. I believe ‘fool me one shame on you’, “fool me twice shame on me.’ Wake up one morning and realized everything I was taught was a lie. I did not give up on God, I gave up on the WTS.
What exactly are Jesus teachings?
I love my wife and children I have the ability to house and feed them all of them in fact I die so that they will never need to worry about food or housing again then I am resurected an made king I can feed and house the whole world keep them from getting sick the whole spiel you know what Jesus claims to be able to do.
But instead of doing anything immediatly I let over 2000 years go by still human kind is suffering. My followers are abusing children hiding behind my name. Wars are being fought both sides say it is in my name that they fight. Oh yeah before I was Jesus I did the same thing that my followers are doing now using my chosen people. Killing women and children enslaving foriegners making later generations pay for the sins of their ancestors. That's right grandparents won't see their grand kids because their 18 year old son had sex or smoked a cigarette and never repented. I have the power to stop all of this but nobody knows the day or the hour that I will. But I will have faith I will. Oh yeah you better have faith that I will do what I say or in 50 trillion years you won't be one second closer to the end of your punishment then you are right now.
now I'm not sure if it because of Jesus teachings or his followers but I suspect it is his followers because if anyone had the power to do the things he says he has why the hell would he wait so long and let so many suffer. I sincerely doubt there is any such entity with his claimed powers
Atheism = self defeating.
by towerwatchman inatheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
TWM cites
Extra Biblical Evidence supporting the life. death, and Resurrection of Jesus.
come on lets not insult one another these very references have been long ago and widely discredited. A veteran debater such as you,I have tracked your work going back nearly 10 years and suspect much more,can do much better than this. I have used these references myself when arguing your side of the matter and I at the time was a babe in the woods. This forum is made up of primarily x jehovahs witnesses who have been shunned by their families,lost their homes, had their lives completely turned upside down by their doubts about religion. We in large part have done the research .
You say--
The historical evidence for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming.The evidence you pose is hardly overwhelming. The evidence you pose is flimsy at best.
Please overwhelm us with the evidence
Mathematically Measuring Evolution.
by towerwatchman inmathematically measuring evolution.. when judging relationships in terms of morphological characteristics we will always be bound by the subjective.
morphologically one cannot exactly measure the distance between two organisms strictly in mathematical terms.
using the standard method of taxonomy we cannot quantify the difference between a horse and a mouse, or know which is closer mouse to cat, or mouse to fish.
TWM says
Ever heard of a typo?
I believe we will have to agree to disagree that the context of the discussion and the timing of the insult i.e. BRAIN LOSS do not point to typo. Again I cannot prove it, same as with existance of god. I do however know what I believe.
Here is why
in our limited exchanges I have never been ugly or out of line.
prior to this instance neither had you
you claim to be engaging in this forum for Christian reasons. Notice your lack of response to my apparent lost sheep attitude
The only time a typo of this sort appears is in the context that it appeared-- frustration at past being as you say DREDGED UP
response in this thread is snarky ever hear of a typo ? Rather than the Christian response SORRY
Brain loss
Mathematically Measuring Evolution.
by towerwatchman inmathematically measuring evolution.. when judging relationships in terms of morphological characteristics we will always be bound by the subjective.
morphologically one cannot exactly measure the distance between two organisms strictly in mathematical terms.
using the standard method of taxonomy we cannot quantify the difference between a horse and a mouse, or know which is closer mouse to cat, or mouse to fish.
TWM says
seems the most Atheist can do is attack character. So much for a science, logic and reason based world view. You act more like an antiquated superstitious religion. Come back when you want to discuss facts.
Seems a bit ironic coming from the one who referred to me as BRAIN LOSS on page 14 of the op about Atheism being self defeating.
Atheism = self defeating.
by towerwatchman inatheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
Atheism = self defeating.
by towerwatchman inatheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
TWM now lets address the topic.--
You are right I cannot Prove that there is no god. I certainly have not examined the teachings of every god that man has worshipped over time.
But if there is a god who requires that you believe in him for salvation ( whatever that means to you) , why not give some compelling evidence to mankind, or screw mankind why not give some compelling evidence to me I have certainly given an honest effort searching. He allegedly gave us the Bible but the Bible doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Garden of eden, flood. 40 years wandering in the dessert. The list goes on. Even if science has been deceived by the devil why were the people that lived thousands of years ago allowed to see miracles and tangeble evidence of god but we must rely on faith alone. It's backwards there understanding of the world would have been more likely to let faith be their guide. Surely god knew that science would say that man was far older then eden. That the animals we have today couldn't be here from a worldwide flood just a few thousand years ago. He knew that there would be no evidence of hundreds of thousands of people lost in the desert for 40 years. And whether or not science is right or the devil is blinding mans eyes, why do ancient people get to see god and we don't.
is that perfect justice, wisdom, and power , above all is that perfect love?
So yes I am an Athiest. I don't have to prove that there is no god to you or anyone. If some philosopher wants to analyze my thought process and say it is flawed so be it but I gave it a fair try I dedicated my life to the search for evidence of god for 40+ years and what I got was cut off from most of my family for questioning something that even the leaders can't supply answers to.
Atheism = self defeating.
by towerwatchman inatheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
No in much the same way as I read Hawkings to see what he has concluded from his research, I searched your quotes to examine their origin. Unsure stated that he was exhausted and disheartened form this exchange. I thought he might to look at it from a fresh perspective an examination of your claims by others.
Admittadly fear is what I used to feel. 40 years of trying to worship a god that would not reveal himself. A book of contradictory riddles that allow those who claim to understand them, to minipulate and control others, abandoning completely those who ask questions, they have no answers to. They break up families,they cover up abuse, they deny medical care, they limit education all in the name of a god who IS LOVE. Fear? No not fear. Dredging up the past? Ha! To your god a day is a 1000 years so 2008 is not a very deep dredge and, frankly the argument is the same on your side in those old posts, So what are you afraid of.
Atheism = self defeating.
by towerwatchman inatheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
if this discussion has left you unsatisfied here are two other spots where towerwatchman has previously posted the exact same language as the opening op and it has been rebutted. Once as poster TWM and once as RENE.