Thanks sparky, at my shop i test drive cars in front of the KH every day i can just pick one up there, and as sop states the campaign has worked since i do indeed already know of the flyers.
well the clock is ticking down on august and i have yet to recieve a copy of the jw org flyer err tract.
i own a home no tract.
i own two businesses at two different locations no tract at either.
Thanks sparky, at my shop i test drive cars in front of the KH every day i can just pick one up there, and as sop states the campaign has worked since i do indeed already know of the flyers.
well the clock is ticking down on august and i have yet to recieve a copy of the jw org flyer err tract.
i own a home no tract.
i own two businesses at two different locations no tract at either.
Well the clock is ticking down on August and I have yet to recieve a copy of the jw org flyer err tract. I own a home no tract. I own two businesses at two different locations no tract at either. One of my businesses is within two blocks of a KH. Greatest witness ever I should say not.
any suggestions on a new razor?
i kind of want to try a safety double edge but im so used to the store brand razors.
any one here own a safety doubleedge or a straight edge?.
interestiing this ad was up when i opened the link to this thread
i've made a few posts here already so i thought i'd introduce myself.
i'm an ex-jw from cheltenham pittville (uk) congregation.
i've been free and clear for a few years now so i'm through the anger phase and in the happily getting on with my life phase.
JW.orgs mascot is a bull dog-shitzu mix
this was my first assembly/convention of any type since the 2002 convention at the dome in houston.
i do attend from time to time,probably enough to keep up with whats going on.
there is one experience i thought was a bit over the top.. 12:05 song no.
this was my first assembly/convention of any type since the 2002 convention at the dome in houston.
i do attend from time to time,probably enough to keep up with whats going on.
there is one experience i thought was a bit over the top.. 12:05 song no.
don't have too many people at parties, be carefull about drinking alchohol, dancing, music,anything that can stumble another brother whether or not it is condemned in the bible the list is endless.. how is 100+ years of flip flops and constantly changing doctrine not been a stumbling block to brothers?.
Don't have too many people at parties, be carefull about drinking alchohol, dancing, music,anything that can stumble another brother whether or not it is condemned in the bible the list is endless.
how is 100+ years of flip flops and constantly changing doctrine not been a stumbling block to brothers?
i love to read the watchtower's article "the church fathersadvocates of bible truth?
" (w01 4/15 pp.
there we may read the most contadictory statements of the watchtower society, which shows how deceptive and ignorant is the jehovah's witnesses religion.. .
well, that seems to be the latest hot thing amoung witnesses.
everybody buys a tablet.
even the poor families that eat carb heavy meals are gettin' em.. maybe they can't afford the latest apple product like the maxi/mini pad or whatever they're calling it these days so a trip to ebay or fills the bill.. use it instead of a songbook.
"the one sacred book that thus from first to last declares its author to be jehovah god is the holy bible.
" (w60 10/1 p. 584 par.
5 the holy biblethe book by jehovahs witnesses).