I don't think aliens look like him. So no!
Now I base my reply on what I think I know...what I can relate it to.
I could be wrong...so I may change my reply with more evidence.
i've been watching quite a bit of gb member stephen lett on youtube recently (no, i'm not thinking of going back to the jws).. i just find him compulsive viewing, like when people slow down to see a car crash.
i find his facial expressions and intonation spell-binding.. it reminds me a bit of john carpenter's the thing, a film where an alien life-form infects a host and imitates it, spreading throughout camps of remote workers in the antarctic.
if i were a bethelite living in close proximity to lett, i'd be thinking about giving him the blood test to see if he was normal, lol.. why does lett speak in public the way he does?
I don't think aliens look like him. So no!
Now I base my reply on what I think I know...what I can relate it to.
I could be wrong...so I may change my reply with more evidence.
obviously, trump doesn't.
but do you?
do you think that they are generally fair, unbiased and honest?.
Absolutely no...I don't Believe what they report, at first! Remember WMD. WEPONDS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?... they reported this as a fact, but it was not. So who's controls the main media outlets? Is it those who want to shape your view?..so they can justify their reaction to it, and the governments response?
That was one example of false accusations against a nation!
So the question is why would you!...why would you trust main news stations for accurate news?
Their track record for the truth is?...very misleading! And self serving.
Like it's been said "fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on me!"
excellent general website: www.jwfacts.com .
bible translations www.biblegateway.com/cgi-bin/bible .
wt publications http://www.a2z.org/wtarchive/archive.htm (old).
Make our own intelligent choices? Only from information from the bible; but ordinary jws are told they cannot understand the bible without help from the GB and WTS publications, how is that free will
That sounds like forced free will!
If using my "free will" means you kill me for not agreeing with you...don't you dare tell me I still had the freedom of free will.
If I had equal power and could not have my life taken or ruined, then I would have free will to make any decision I felt was right for me!
does forcing people to shun other people violate free will?
Only when you are not in control of your own mind...BITE bring any memories back? Your Behavior, Information, Thoughts, and Emotions are controlled by the org!
Its easier to blame 'you' then those in control of you!
i have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
Show me the scripture that says "go out and invite non believers to observe this event"!
or non partakers
in genesis ch.1&2 god warns adam that if he ate of the tree of knowledge of good and bad he would die .theire was nothing said about anything else.. you would expect humans would just die of old age like adam and eve did.. the wages of sin is death the bible tells us .so if he disobeyed jehovah god he knew he would die .. what he never knew and neither did any other human to come after him was just how many ways death would come to humans.. death by creatures that were created by god venomous creatures ,snakes spiders etc.,marine creatures sharks etc., bacteria /viruses etc.,insect carrying diseases such as the mosquito that causes thousands of deaths to children under 5 years old even today with malaria.,wild animals etc,.leprosy that even existed under theocratic rule in the nation of israel.. then their is the indignties humans go through in old age ,loss of bodily functions , mental capacity ,alzheimers ,neurological diseases that effect young and old.that reduce people to almost live not much better than a vegetable .
natural disasters not to be excluded because these are in the control of god to afflict mankind or not.. the list of afflictions that humans have to suffer through before they die , from a loving god just boggles my mind.. and i have only scratched the surface of indignities humans have faced before they die.. so i ask the question is god jehovah guilty of the sin of omission ?
or did he act out of vengeance for their disobedience and wanted to inflict greater punishment upon them.for disobeying him.. what are your thoughts ?.
"God warns Adam that if he ate of the tree of knowledge of good and bad he would die ."
So Adam knew what death was?My thoughts: Prior to sinning, Adam and Eve would have had to FIRST chose to not believe God.So we have two infants Adam and Eve ( pawns in the game of life and death god made up) who after being presented with evidence (?) from this powerful angel that transformed in to a tree creature...used the power of persuasion, to convince Eve that she was not being told the whole truth. Seem to me she FIRST based her decision on the more believable information presented?! Not arbitrarily choosing not to believe God!
below is a paste of the front of my recent essay.
ask most jws today and they'll tell you that, yes, watchtower has made a few mistakes -- that there are a couple date failures -- 1925 -- and maybe another one they can't even remember.. lest they forget, the following should jog their collective memories as to how egregious watchtower has been in their obsession with date predictions (oh, but we don't make predictions, they may tell you) over the 138 years of watchtower history.. len miller.
Great work...I'll add it to my files . THANKS
it seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
Simon...you are making way too much sense, you need to stop it for fear of people's heads exploding! :)
i note the recent post that quoted 1 timothy 2:11-12 and colossians 1:23 which place women at a level that is lower to men.
the poster accused paul of this mysoginy, but that is not correct.. 1 timothy, 2 timothy, titus, colossians, ephesians and hebrews were written after paul's death.. paul was not a mysoginist; he made full use of women in leadership roles.
he wrote that in god's sight there is neither male nor female, for all are one in god's sight.. doug.
Point taken! Seems those posters are or appear to be misandrist...always putting men in a bad light. If ur a male don't dare say anything negative about a female or you will be labeled as a hater of all women!
any elder has never asked me that question so far but i want to be prepared to answer that question if any of them ask me that question in the future.
i hope that they will never ask me that question.
any suggestions on how to answer that question would be very much appreciated.
For what?
To despence food at the proper time?