ok, i skipped over some of the responses so forgive me if i repeat something someone else has already said.
scooby, i don't know you personally, and i dont really know how long you've been out/doubting. but i will say this....by the time i left, i'd been dying to get out for years. i'd done a lot of research into inconsistencies in the jw literature and philosophy. i was convinced that i could not lead a normal life as a jw.
but when i finally got out....i doubted myself. for a LONG time. i was terrified i'd made the wrong decision, that i was allowing myself to travel the path that leads to destruction. (i grew up in it, btw, so i'd been fed this idea my whole life). more than anything, i missed how good i always felt after going to meetings. i missed feeling like i had a connection to god. and maybe that's what youre missing, too. do you really believe what they teach? and i dont mean to put you on the defensive by asking this...but can you critically examine their teachings and declare them to be true, ignoring the constant changes in policies, in light of the seedy underside of this organization?
if you can....then i agree, you should go back. sometimes you just need what makes you feel safe. and if that's what helps you sleep at night, then by all means trot back to your local kh. i tend to think that sort of safety atrophies the mind. but then again i know plenty of people who are perfectly fine with that, my mother for one. she'll be a jw till she dies. it's what puts her at ease, and she'll never change.
just my two cents, and i simply hope youre happy with whatever you choose to do.