Gary thanks so much for the info you post. Intersting and informative to say the least.Clearly JW"S do refuse medical treatment. when bleeding profusely and refuse the only treatment to save their life -BLOOD.- Jws aruge that a person is only choosing to be treated with chesse and crackers as an alternative treatment rather than with blood. The problem is that according to MD's sometimes alternative treatmenst wont save you and ONLY blood will do the trick, and so it becomes debatable whether choice of treatment means refusing treatment.
They play by different legal rules in Russia. Russia now faced with the beginning of the jww MOVEMENT there, It is how it was in the USA when the JWS began and such like issues had to be decided by the Courts back then. I think that jws will evetuallly win in Russia.
Id' say in the 1940's Met Life sued the WT and sought a legal injunctions based on the information that the WT was publishing, and also based on the way it was dissemination that info through individual "envoys", that it was disturbing people in their home's (I'm just roughly saying what the case was about without pulling out my Mckineys) The WTS won, dont remmeber if it was on appela or if the Supreme upheld the WTS when met appealed but the Court ruled that the disseminating of info no matter how shoking or disturbing it was is legal, howver as long as in doing so it did not violate peoples right to privacy in their home (or somethinhg like that)
But in the USA, the WTS has won more cases in Supreme than any other person or entity in the history of the USA. I have been ifoermed that the WTS legal Dept is the best on earth and the fight and win in the highest courts on earthIt is also reumored thet the legal dept runs the wts. But to simply answer your question. Jws do refuse medical treatment in my opinion and this results in death .