Larry you were fortunate that when you decided to fade you had a family in place. Am I wrong in stating, though, that your wife will not travel with worldly friends that you have? That’s not living a full life if you are still picking friends because they go to a specific building on Sunday.
Your daughter is at a point where she needs to be able to build her life and that is not easy to do while faded. It took me 16 years to finally rip off the band aid, leave my friends and family behind and finally start living my life at 36. Up until then I was never truly happy because I was living for other people. Couldn’t date, had no real friends, was miserable every time I stepped into a KH.
Your daughter sounds young, encourage her to dream and plan out her perfect life, from the car she will drive, to where she will live, what she will do with her children on Saturday mornings. If that doesn’t include the org help her to rip off the band aid and tell her it’s ok to say a big F you to all those that will shun her. But she is in a much different place in life than you were when you faded and your tactics probably won’t work for her.