I don't hate the police... I hate the police state we have become. Their supervisors and politicians are at fault. Police violence is NOT a racial issue. If I has a white man don't follow instructions just right in a police encounter I am as likely to be shot as any black man. The police are always taught to escalate and use overwhelming force. They are not trained in de-escalation tactics. If we only focus on racial problems we ignore the greater reform that is needed.
The problem with blacks and police have three factors. Number one blacks are MUCH more likely to be involved in violent crime so therefore they are more likely to have police encounters. During these encounters police are aware of the crime statistics so they will be much more likely to be on edge. This isn't racism it is just acknowledgement of the facts. And thirdly... there are cultural difference between blacks and others in how they act during police encounters. I think it is Chris Rock who said if you have a run in with the police, just do what you are told.... if you feel like you are being mistreated, you go to the station the next day and file a complaint. These comments where considered controversial just highlighting the cultural differences I mentioned.
Also most studies show that whites or Hispanics are actually more likely to be shot by the police.